The Future of Zombies?


Shared on Mon, 07/04/2011 - 14:16

Thanks to the Internet, I have really become immersed in Zombies in Black Ops. So many things to find. I feel the best is the music easter eggs found around. They really get you pumped for shooting the crap out of the undead (song from Five excluded). Best when played with friends. However, what use it the handgun when you go down? By the time a teammate goes down, it takes more than a clip to take out one zombie. Oh well.

Still, I would like to see this take a turn in the Modern Warfare direction. Maybe make a new game campaign on it. Rather than starting out in the middle of a zombie apocalypse, have it start out as National Guard sent to hold road blocks and move on to a mass infection as different stories of world military each hold out. Hell, it doesn’t need to have closure in the ending, just look at Homefront, Halo 2, or Modern Warfare 2. It can even still have the usual hoard style survival in multiplayer. What would be interesting would be a team deathmatch or CTF style game while AI zombies litter the field. Yeah, I think this would be good.


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