Code of Conduct


Shared on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 14:51

I guess this will be my first entry in the blogs. Let me start off by saying that everyone on pcp and arxv knows me as Crawfish, but i recently changed my name to xSriracha. It's a brand of hot sauce if you guys were wondering what it meant. Now i was never into the whole blog thing, but in the past couple months things started to really bug me with PcP. I've joined the clan back in 2008, swank was the one that introduced me to 2o2p and pcp. From then on I've met a great group of guys to play some CoD with from, Daredneck, King...not sure where he went tho, Poos, bunny, azure, armada, cerb, bnobs, swank and so on. But as time went but i wanna say around mid to late 2009 i notice that the people that i played with started to get kicked out or left because of some Code of Conduct. At first i didn't pay no mind to it, but then i started noticing that all the people i game with are gone. I was gone from the xbox for a short period of time, and when i came back PcP had a whole lot of new faces. I down to meet to new people and everything, but i started to wonder why all the older guys were gone, then i started to read up on old post and blogs and sorta got the story. So most of the guys i played with started ARXV, and i was cool, as long as i can still have a party going on i don't really care. I decided to stay in PcP, but it just wasnt the same anymore. Recently on a clan night i joined in the room, and got booted for no reason. OK..i dont care much for getting booted, but not even saying anything in the room and or give me a heads up before booting me...thats just low. Then i get invite from Coulow to join another Clan night room, played a couple games then we had this noobtube game, default class. I figured hey, it wouldnt hurt if i just used my custom noob tube class. Clan night is for shits and giggles anyways. Then i got booted from that room by Sonic....which by the way can shove it. i joined back up and continued to play custom games. Then on one of the games it was just default snipers....but one of the members hops in and starts using the Tar. But they were not booted...WTF!. I never take this shit seriously, and guys who know me I'm pretty laid back when it comes to playing. But the fact that i got booted from from two rooms on clan without reason...and the other for some lame crap..i was ticked off. I thought 2o2p was a website for people to avoid timmies and enjoy the game in a mature way. But this whole code of conduct thing and the past things that happen from PcP doesnt make any sense. I remember when Bull and I were in both PcP and TangoDown, but know one cared back then, why all of a sudden with the rules about being in more than one clan for CoD. BS i say..well thats the end of rant./......Peace.


J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Tue, 04/20/2010 - 08:27
aw crap. I LOVE clan drama...
jagerwick's picture
Submitted by jagerwick on Tue, 04/20/2010 - 09:51
aw crap. i love blogging.
clobbersaurus67's picture
Submitted by clobbersaurus67 on Tue, 04/20/2010 - 10:09
I love lamp
BrAwNzIeN's picture
Submitted by BrAwNzIeN on Tue, 04/20/2010 - 10:32
Walladog's picture
Submitted by Walladog on Wed, 04/21/2010 - 08:25
@Tdrag. I too call it hot cock sauce. For you pervs out there...its because it has a rooster on the bottle!! In other news...people are booted from our clan if they DON'T try some hijinx in a default weapon game :) Take the advice given above...move to somewhere where you can laugh and have fun. SAY NO TO CLAN DRAMA!
jcotter13's picture
Submitted by jcotter13 on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 15:10
I"ve seen several people who've had negative experiences with PCP lately. If you ever get tired of the shooters, come play some Forza 3 with 2Old4Forza.
TDrag27's picture
Submitted by TDrag27 on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 15:11
My husband calls Sriracha sauce "Hot Cock Sauce" Sorry about your clan drama.
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 15:13
lol Hot Cock Sauce...
Armada99's picture
Submitted by Armada99 on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 15:16
Welcome to ARXV.
clobbersaurus67's picture
Submitted by clobbersaurus67 on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 15:18
LMAO, Hot Cock Sauce, methinks you have a new name for in game. Hmm, maybe I need to change my name to 'Tapatio', that way I can be sombrero sauce.
XSIce's picture
Submitted by XSIce on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 15:21
Yeah , ARXV is the tits, just go there.
Armada99's picture
Submitted by Armada99 on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 15:28
mmmmm......tits. Off to the NSFW forum!
Crawfish's picture
Submitted by Crawfish on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 15:47
jcotter13: dang i wish i wouldve known about the forza group..lloks like i need to rebuy forza again..and yes Sriracha is known as the Hot Cock Sauce..haha
PowerMacAttack's picture
Submitted by PowerMacAttack on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 16:24
Craw, Not sure what happened as I am just hearing about it via your blog. Send me a PM if you wish or not as I do care to know what happened, just how I am. Best of luck man. PMA
IAmTheLiquor's picture
Submitted by IAmTheLiquor on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 16:41
It's for the best Craw. Welcome to ARXV man!!
Azuredreams's picture
Submitted by Azuredreams on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 17:06
I can sympathize with the double standard to a degree, as it had quite a bit to do with my departure from PCP. However I think that you should have at least approached one of the overlords about it first before airing dirty laundry bro. Either way, I am always available to group with you bud. However given your seemingly imminent affiliation with ARXV, I don't see that happening any time soon.
IAmTheLiquor's picture
Submitted by IAmTheLiquor on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 18:07
Just to clarify, ARXV loves Azuredreaming.
Crawfish's picture
Submitted by Crawfish on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 19:01
i understand you about confronting an overlord first, but it's hard when they remove me from their friendlist and boot me from clan night..but i wasn't aware of you leaving PcP
DaRedneck's picture
Submitted by DaRedneck on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 19:50
Po 'Boy, my brother, I missed clan night so I dunno what all went down but I would like to get some games in with ya so you can tell me about it. Look me up and take care bud.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Mon, 04/19/2010 - 20:21
Sounds like you otta migrate to the clan where all your friends went to. Life's too short for clan drama, just move on.
Caesar's picture
Submitted by Caesar on Tue, 04/20/2010 - 00:39
i always miss the drama, damn it

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