2 Cents Worth - Black Ops


Shared on Wed, 11/10/2010 - 11:43

My 2 Cents worth after having played Black Ops last night with the Boys from 2old2resist.

The aspect of getting a bunch of friends together to play I find a bit painful. It's hit or miss with respect to staying on the same team as the people you joined pre-game. For me it's a simple matter of avoiding the illiterate jabber of the socially ignorant Timmies.
I too prefer the BC2 game-play experience. After a few hours of Black Ops my frontal lobe hurt ... not motion sickness ... but my eyes needed the break.
I find the kill streak perks a bit lame. I was glade to see they did not include the game-ending Nuke ... but the remote controlled kamikaze car was sufficiently annoying. It moves too fast to shot ... so beware!
One thing I think Red Dead Redemption got right was the ability to level up in private matches ... for those of us looking to avoid the unpleasant onslaught of Timmie-nation!
Other than that to quote someone in-game last night when asked what they thought of the game "Familiar"


strue's picture
Submitted by strue on Wed, 11/10/2010 - 11:53
I've spent the last few days reading the same thing you and countless others have said. "It's Famaliar". Not gonna even open the Koolaid top for this one. I'm going back to BFBC2 after playing fable 3 with my wife till my eyes crossed.
williamadamsesq's picture
Submitted by williamadamsesq on Wed, 11/10/2010 - 13:25
I shot a car! Familiar? How about playing Squad Rush on Isla, now that's familiar.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Wed, 11/10/2010 - 15:05
Forcing you to play public matches so you can unlock stuff in-game is really a trend in shooters that irritates the fuck out of me and why i'm playing fewer and fewer shooters.

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