Quote of the Day


Shared on Thu, 12/02/2010 - 07:37

Some People

"Some people are like slinkies. They're not really good for anything ... but they bring a smile to your face when pushed down the stairs."



LM2's picture
Submitted by LM2 on Mon, 12/18/2006 - 12:48
Remember—there would be no USA without France. But they do love waffles! LM2
gigatrix's picture
Submitted by gigatrix on Mon, 09/17/2007 - 12:04
I liked wilderz' "You've got about 10 seconds to get your kids under control, get polly pissy-pants into some new drawers, and come demo how the bathroom door works before I flip the fuck out and take a hostage".
DarthClem's picture
Submitted by DarthClem on Mon, 09/17/2007 - 12:24
Hey, thanks for the props. :D Given that someone voted down an entire week's worth of my blogs today, this cheers me up.
VenomRudman's picture
Submitted by VenomRudman on Tue, 03/02/2010 - 13:50
You and your quotes suck....
Cerberus4417's picture
Submitted by Cerberus4417 on Tue, 03/02/2010 - 13:51
you know you love them Venom
Inka Cola's picture
Submitted by Inka Cola on Thu, 12/02/2010 - 08:53
Aw, BlowMonkey isn't a bad guy.
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Mon, 09/17/2007 - 12:41
nice quote Darth, you da man
IAmTheLiquor's picture
Submitted by IAmTheLiquor on Tue, 03/02/2010 - 13:55
EPIC bumpage of Venom!
BlowMonkey's picture
Submitted by BlowMonkey on Thu, 12/02/2010 - 09:11
when I was a kid we were dirt poor and had no toys so we would fill a sleeping bag with dirty laundry and then get in the sleeping bag and tumble down the stairs.....true story lol
racerchaser's picture
Submitted by racerchaser on Mon, 06/30/2008 - 18:31
Any Darrell Waltrip Quote is cool with me.. He was a great driver
williamadamsesq's picture
Submitted by williamadamsesq on Thu, 12/02/2010 - 10:16
Pinch's picture
Submitted by Pinch on Mon, 06/30/2008 - 18:31
Personally I am not a big fan of loud bikes. If I could ride a bike it would be something like a Buell Ulysses. In which case I think an electric motor would be a nice addition. But I understand your point. The amount of money that is spent making Harley's loud now is outrageous.
char's picture
Submitted by char on Thu, 12/02/2010 - 11:11
lololol, you nuts!
char's picture
Submitted by char on Thu, 12/02/2010 - 11:17
Monkeyboy, what other poorboy stories ya' got? Y'all remember Monkeyboy doing cartwheels down the stairs? Good times good times.
Xevias's picture
Submitted by Xevias on Mon, 06/30/2008 - 19:34
We're going through the same thing with racing RC cars. With brushless motors and Li-Po batteries, it is far more ecconomical to run electric than nitro. But nobody will make it popular because the noise is awesome.
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Wed, 01/02/2008 - 12:07
LMAO I have got to remember that!!!
Crimson_Bear's picture
Submitted by Crimson_Bear on Mon, 12/20/2010 - 12:10
Ha! Too bad that pic didn't show ... SPAM!!
SciDad23's picture
Submitted by SciDad23 on Mon, 12/18/2006 - 19:12
This coming from the genius who allows the unemployed muslims in his country to set fire to Paris because they feel that it's "just". I was over there during the riots, it's a scary thing. The sad thing is that everyone "hates" Americans. I didn't miss my chance to say "you're welcome for your country" to every nitwit you badmouthed my homeland. I may not have made many friends, but I believe I made my point.
XSSmoke's picture
Submitted by XSSmoke on Thu, 04/12/2007 - 14:07
I've read about that. What a way to go.
Caduceus's picture
Submitted by Caduceus on Wed, 01/02/2008 - 12:48
Very amusing, but this is usually followed in my house by the statement: "I'm going to throw them right in the trash after I clean them up!"
vinnie2k's picture
Submitted by vinnie2k on Sun, 02/18/2007 - 15:42
SciDad, Europeans tend to dislike Americans because of their government and the image that it gives to the world: that of a preposterous bullyish nation who thinks it can bring democracy and well being against the will of people. Americans are different than their Government, even though the majority (or so it seems ;-)) of its voters voted it in.
DixieBelle's picture
Submitted by DixieBelle on Wed, 01/02/2008 - 15:20
You've seen Rogue, right? Our son barely makes it to his waist. The kids got Nerf dart guns for Christmas. New Year's Eve they each had a spend the night friend. So, Rogue is chasing two 7 yr old girls and two 4 year old boys around the house shooting them with a dart gun. They have the other, but aren't retaliating. Finally, the girls got smart and hid behind a chair for cover as they got ready to return fire. Out jumps my son, runs at Rogue, stops about four feet in front of him, sports his best Superman pose and says, "Hey, Daddy-- why don't you pick on somebody your own size? Nana-nana-boo-boo!" These are the days, SC, the days that we will remember forever! Glad to hear you had a great Christmas! --Dixie
Em's picture
Submitted by Em on Sat, 09/02/2006 - 05:27
an interesting topic....i guess it really comes down to what population group you are talking about. Statistics are just that...statistics. Many many young black and woman fall into the streotypical statistics. Educated and not educated is where you have to really draw the line and make a good study. What are the statistics of out of wedlock and single parenthood of EDUCATED black people? As compared to non or under-educated? Are there really more or less of one gender? Like I said, interesting topic.
neanderthal's picture
Submitted by neanderthal on Sat, 09/02/2006 - 07:18
just had to throw my name in there Actually it is a good topic, I would be very interested in auditory or visual input of this topic. Growing up in suburbia, sheilded myself and others to topics such as this. As what we saw was only on the news (like that is a help), it would for help explain what ones sees on the streets.
twistedcaboose's picture
Submitted by twistedcaboose on Sat, 09/02/2006 - 07:23
Aww you're gonna get in big trouble. LOL Actually sounds like a great project.
DantezINFERNO's picture
Submitted by DantezINFERNO on Sat, 09/02/2006 - 08:13
nice point Em, looking it up. However the number is the number 7 out of 10 across soci-economic lines. So maybe the poverty line is higher and those below it are having 2,3 or 4 kids. Sokath, his eyes uncovered ! Obscure Star Trek reference me and a bud use, see Darmok and Jalad at Tanagra
Raider30's picture
Submitted by Raider30 on Sat, 09/02/2006 - 08:15
I'd love to watch your video when done. Anything that shakes up stereotypes or goes against whats considered "pc" is great. Your topic sounds fascinating. Being a 33yr old, living in Iowa, college educated, white guy, I can't wait to see what your fellows have to say. I've obviously got some of my own thoughts as to why things are the way they are,(more than happy to share of course) so please keep us informed how this project is going.
Em's picture
Submitted by Em on Sat, 09/02/2006 - 10:34
arms wide open, dude:)
DantezINFERNO's picture
Submitted by DantezINFERNO on Sat, 09/02/2006 - 10:54
Temba, his arms wide.

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