Shared on Sun, 02/05/2017 - 07:58Allah, Allah, Allah. What torture. The spotlight-songs are horrendous and I'm not having a good time with the 'W'-songs too. The first spotlight song, 'I'm sorry, mister' by No Doubt I can only classify as a set of unpleasant noises that can sterilize frogs in a 500yrd radius. The second is worse than that and the perpetrators behind that should be treated as having committed a terrorist-attack with that abuse of 'musical expression'. The third song is quite fun, but the jewel-track is, for guitar and bass, incomprehensible.
I managed to play the crew into the safe from demotion zone and I hope that my crewies contribute enough to secure promotion into the platinum tier. I hate to let everyone down, but for me this week's challenge is the pits. I have my nephew Teun over for gaming and dinner today, so I won't have much chance to buff the score today (coupled with the deminishing returns on scores for songs that I do like.), but if I have time left, I promise to do my bit later today.
I'll try and do better next challenge.
Rock on, 2o2p Crew!
On a side note, the 2o2p Crew still has place for six more rockers. Contact Big_One to get an invite into crew!
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