

Shared on Sat, 06/01/2013 - 05:13

Picked this up from the web;

[Following the closure of Impossible Studios, several senior staffers who were working on Infinity Blade: Dungeons have joined BioWare Montreal as leads on the next Mass Effect title. Colin Campbell, who was the lead world designer on Impossible predecessor Big Huge Games' Kingdom of Amalur, will serve as lead level designer on Mass Effect 4 Or Something. Ian Frazier, lead designer on Kingdom of Amalur, will be lead gameplay designer on Mass Effect 4 Or Something.]

Kingdoms of Amalur was not really a good game. I wonder what this will mean for Mass Effect?


Raider30's picture
Submitted by Raider30 on Sat, 06/01/2013 - 14:13



I've seen you bag on KoA a couple of times now.  I'm wondering why exactly all the hate for it?



CrypticCat's picture
Submitted by CrypticCat on Sat, 06/01/2013 - 16:44

I don't hate KoA at all. It is however a prime example of why mixing the best ideas of two studios (Bioware and Bethesda) isn't always a good idea. Another example is that throwing a bunch of big names together in a room and expect them to come up with a game that blows everybody away is also wishful thinking.

Unlike Bioware, who by themselves watered the dialogue-system down to 'why am I even selecting those options', the dialogue system in KoA is even less interesting and as if they knew that it was a pointless thing to do, it shifts to being a dropbox topic selector that launches NPCs into monologues. It's not only jarring, but it also makes me not wanting to explore the topics, since A) my toon doesn't talk and that makes my toon going around with the personality of a wooden log. (Strangely, that works in TES-games.) B) voice acting is abysmal. I feel like I'm wasting time whenever I see those badly animated NPC's spewing their budget lines. Interupt, interupt and I'll check the quest in my journal, thank you.

The huge amount of crafting and the tediousness of it. Lock-picking with lockpicks. Please Allah, release me from tedious tasks in games. Noa! Or give me the option to bash, or drop acid on the lock. I'm crafting poisons anyway. Unlike TES-games, you get no exp for doing those tasks.

I like the combat system. Especially finesse. It's frigging awesome, but also imbalanced and it loses appeal once you get points into your skills. And once you get a set of faeblades.., congrats, you're now invincible and immortal.

All of that wouldn't be so bad if the graphics didn't had that fantasy-comic style.

So, what's left is looking at my toon's ass as she sneaks around doing whatever it is that she's supposed to be doing on some quest I don't really care about because the NPCs I'm doing them for aren't engaging in the slightest.

I keep starting over never getting past more than a quarter completion, because at that point I just flat out obliterate everything. I have the game in full, all DLC. I bought the game on release-day. I watched Dsmooth's let's plays as they happened.

This game is even in my main interest genre, huge, involved RPG's. But I get more enjoyment out of Ego Draconis, which has the same problems KoA suffers from. But at least in Ego Draconis, you get to be a dragon with awesome dragon-battle sequences thrown in for good measure.., which lifts that game above KoA.

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