Common Fucking Decency


Shared on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 08:00
Whatever happened to common decency in this world?  Where I live it seems as though it has been totally discarded and pretty much shat on by all who are here.  Now, I will admit that South Florida is a melting pot to say the least and different cultures have different standards but it seems as though everything is going to shit down here.

Here's just one example:

I work in a 12 story building and take the elevator up to the 12th floor probably 6 times a day.  I don't know about anyone else but I was raised to wait for the people to get off the elevator before I got on.  Here, the doors open and someone is standing right in front of the doors to rush on the elevator before you can even take 1 step towards the door. This is just fucking rude.  Not to mention, the guy who will stand inside the elevator right in front of the door and then act like you are asking him for his first born when you say "Excuse me" so that you can exit.  This morning I was waiting for the elevator with a woman and when the doors open a guy was just walking around the corner.  Instead of pausing to let the woman on (chivalry should not be dead) he cuts in front of both of us who had been waiting and gets on the elevator.  Did I mention that he was having one of these conversations on the elevator?

(in an elevated tone at 7:30 this morning)


"No, I'm in the elevator."

"Reception is terrible in here"


"No I can't hear you"


All the way to the 10th floor ... I felt like grabbing the phone, turning that son of a bitch sideways, and sticking it straight up his candyass.  (My apologies for the Rock reference)

It seems as though everyone down here is in such a rush and they are convinced that where they are going is way more important than what you are doing.



Nighthawk70's picture
Submitted by Nighthawk70 on Thu, 12/06/2007 - 10:27
I used to live and work in Los Angeles and there was the same shit. I worked in a 15 story building on the 10th floor. Same deal. People gather in front of the elevator doors like the box is empty.. nope! Guess what people in the lobby.. there's people in here and in order for you to get on we have to get OUT!.. I seriously don't think people are taught to think. Much less for themselves. I developed a tactic of just positioning myself in front of the door, ready to get off the elevator, and just stand there in the middle. Unwavering to anyone who wants to get on. I stare them straight in the eye, and tell them I am getting off the elevator before they get on. I got mixed reactions but sure did intimidate some people to backing off and letting me out. I'm not that kind of person but I'm sure you, and others know what it's like to be so frustrated at people's behavior that you have to have a 'take charge' kind of attitude.
siege912's picture
Submitted by siege912 on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 08:13
You're not alone. It's a common problem now. I was in Blockbuster when a group of teenagers and a smaller kid walked by. The smaller kid cut in front of me, to get something. After which, one of the older guys informs him that you say excuse me, in case you are dating the dude's daughter later in life, so he'll remember you as that nice kid. I understand that their kids, but it's the same behavior I see in adults, especially on the highways.
dos's picture
Submitted by dos on Wed, 10/03/2007 - 08:21
man, how I miss South FL

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