First Night on Halo 3


Shared on Thu, 09/27/2007 - 07:55
So after being out of town all weekend and the concert last I planned on picking up Halo 3 on the way from work yesterday.  After I got back from lunch, that was all I could think about and I was pretty much worthless at that point.  4:30 rolls around and I hit the door.  Swing by Gamestop, grab the game, run over to Chicken Kitchen and head home.   Just seeing the Bungie logo come up and that "Ahhhhahahahaha" gregorian chant-like thing was awesome enough.

I've got a ton of friends on and quickly jump in for some custom action with my boys.  Its like I'm 26 again.  We play a few games of "Rocket Race" which is a custom game type you can download from bungie and some multi-flag CTF which was pretty crazy.  The game runs smooth and looks beautiful.  I am only half excited because I realize that a lot of my free time will be devoted to this game.  I don't think I will be able to get on tonight but should get plenty in this weekend.

I thought it was amazing that there were over 650,000 people on playing H3 last night.

Happy hunting and I hope to play with you all.  If anyone even reads this.



Buzz's picture
Submitted by Buzz on Thu, 09/27/2007 - 08:00
I downloaded rocket race but haven't played it yet, I'll have to check it out. By the way, it seems the only way to get people to read or post on your blogs on this site is to copy and paste tits in every post.8)
doorgunnerjgs's picture
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Thu, 09/27/2007 - 08:02
I read it! You said, "Just seeing the Bungie logo come up and that "Ahhhhahahahaha" gregorian chant-like thing was awesome enough." I felt the same way, one of the things about this game is that I have really enjoyed the music. I listen to the sound tracks of 1 and 2 often and will get 3 as soon as it is available. It also helps that it is part of the best game ever!
dos's picture
Submitted by dos on Thu, 09/27/2007 - 08:20
Sounds good man, I'll be on most nights...except for the weekends and Monday's

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