Shared on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 17:04

The single most important factor in determining future population is the total fertility rate (TFR). The TFR is defined as the average number of babies born to women during their reproductive years. A TFR of 2.1 is considered the replacement rate; once a TFR of a population reaches 2.1 the population will remain stable assuming no immigration or emigration takes place. When the TFR is greater than 2.1 a population will increase and when it is less than 2.1 a population will eventually decrease, although due to the age structure of a population it will take years before a low TFR is translated into lower population.


Total African American Births in 2001:


Total African American Abortion 2001: (REPORTED LEGAL BY CDC ~ this number is typically lower than actual/Planned Parenthood refuses to make public actual Numbers for politcal...ooops I'm sorry Privacy reasons)


So 209,909 + 511,905 = 721,817 total pregnancies

209,909/721,817 = 29% or like the man said (didn't make the clip about 1 in 4).

SideBar, I personally don't agree with abortion, but as a libertarian, I don't want any governemnt telling me or anybody else what to do! Now I'm all confused, what was my point, oh yeah we are dying?



Brad's picture
Submitted by Brad on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 19:53
Okay - we are right back at it. It would seem to me that this is easily reversed (the "we are dying") based on these numbers. I have a hard time believing that there have been 11 million black abortions between 1973 and 2001. That's 28 years, 10,220 days. That's 1,091 abortions per day JUST in the black community in the United States. Is this correct? Am I reading this right?
DantezINFERNO's picture
Submitted by DantezINFERNO on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 20:13 and again to reiterate abortion really aint my issue. I'm really having a tough time finding information to dispuite any of the claims he made! I'm a skeptic by nature! but it all seems to pan out
Brad's picture
Submitted by Brad on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 21:03
One problem I have with your information is to take a web site named abortionno as being standup about their facts. Everything has a spin, and at least you know where they are coming from and what they are trying to do.
Brad's picture
Submitted by Brad on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 21:08
All I can find so far is this: But it's for the entire US. It shows about a 22% average overall.

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