Another deal on XBLM Points


Shared on Fri, 07/27/2007 - 11:20

If you're anxious for Live Marketplace points today, see my blog below.

But if you can wait until Sunday, Circuit City will be having a "buy one, get one of lesser or equal value" sale on all video game accessories.  I have been told that the term "accessories" will extend to Marketplace points cards.  So for $20, you can get 3200 XBLM points.


HeReCoMeSdAbOoM's picture
Submitted by HeReCoMeSdAbOoM on Fri, 07/27/2007 - 11:29
Darth, what is the point conversion again? 800 = $5?
DarthClem's picture
Submitted by DarthClem on Fri, 07/27/2007 - 11:31
400 points=$5 regularly
JRock3x8's picture
Submitted by JRock3x8 on Fri, 07/27/2007 - 11:34
can you do this online? sweet find if you can.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Fri, 07/27/2007 - 13:37
It's 0.0125 cents per point. So ya that's a killer deal! Might get 4 cards if i can find them. Where did you find out about the deal? Is it in this weekends Ad ? Might have to pick up an early edition sunday paper on Saturday and check that out.
DarthClem's picture
Submitted by DarthClem on Fri, 07/27/2007 - 13:41
@Tank - I heard about it from a friend who hits the CheapAssGamer forums regularly. I wonder what the largest point value card they sell at CC is. I could use another 360 controller, which would get me a free 4000 point card if such a thing exists.
KuruptU4Fun's picture
Submitted by KuruptU4Fun on Fri, 07/27/2007 - 14:03
they do, cost $ this in stores too Clem?
DarthClem's picture
Submitted by DarthClem on Fri, 07/27/2007 - 14:12
Okay. Little update/clarification. I just got this off of xbox360fanboy. Apparently, the ad is for $20 off the purchase of any 2 accessories priced over $19.99. So, the best bang for your buck on this deal is to get 2 of the 1600 point cards. Or in my case, I could get a controller and a 1600 point card.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Fri, 07/27/2007 - 17:00
There are only 2 retail quantity cards available, 1600 and 4000 points for 19.99 and 49.99 . Is it 2 accessories priced at or over 19.99 ? If it's just 19.99, the 2 1600 point cards might not qualify. Depends if they sell them at 19.99 or 20. Some stores sell it at an even 20 while others do the .99 thing
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Fri, 07/27/2007 - 17:09
I went onto Cheap Ass gamer, i'm signed up but don't get there often. Looks like it's 19.99 and up, so ya 2 1600 point cards are good for the deal XBOX 360 Games: Guitar Hero II Bundle >>>> $89.99 XBOX 360 2.4GHz Wireless Controller >>>> $39.99 XBOX 360 LIVE 12 Month Gold Subscription Card (includes 1 free month) >>>> $49.99 ++++ XBOX 360 LIVE 1600 Points Card >>>> $19.99 ++++ Wired Headset for XBOX 360 // WEB ID = 882224035323 >>>> $19.99 ++++ ++++ Save $20 with the purchase of any 2 XBOX LIVE accessories $19.99 & UP

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