On being American, part 2


Shared on Tue, 09/11/2007 - 12:01

Sorry for the 2nd blog today, but there were some other points I wanted touch on and didn't want my last blog to be too long.

1.  I think of our country kinda like I think of a house -- you either live here and are a part owner (with all the responsibilities that entails), or you are a guest.  You need to behave like one or the other.  If you want to enjoy all the benefits this country has to offer, become (or act like) a citizen.  I'm not just talking immigrants here either, there are a lot of young people who would do well to understand both their rights and their duties as citizens of The United States. 

If you are a guest, don't think you can treat this country like it's the bus you rented for a bachelor party or TDrag's closet space.  Now, I understand a lot of Americans go into other countries and don't represent us that well, so the same rules apply for us.

2.  Pick a nationality and drop the hyphen.  Theodore Roosevelt said something to the effect of "we cannot be a hyphenated society and continue to strengthen America".  At the time he was referring to Irish-Americans, Italian-Americans and other ethnicities.  He wanted people to focus on what unifies us and makes us great, rather than fighting over the differences.

I asked a neighbor of mine who is black how he describes himself -- is he black, a person of color, African-American, what?  He said he's an American -- full stop.  "Why do you need to qualify me as your black or African-American neighbor?" he asked. He also told me that whenever someone tells him that they are African-American, he asks them what tribe his ancestors came from.

Okay, that's it.  Enough politics from me.  I'll get back to posting drawings tomorrow.



MikeTheKnife's picture
Submitted by MikeTheKnife on Tue, 09/11/2007 - 12:16
Dammit Darth, get to work and look busy!!!!
JeepChick's picture
Submitted by JeepChick on Tue, 09/11/2007 - 12:17
I think this topic is worth the dual blog. I especially agree with the first point about owner vs. guest. I think part of the problem is that people outside of the US think we ALL live such priviledged [sp?] lives.
doorgunnerjgs's picture
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Tue, 09/11/2007 - 12:59
Good stuff, and well worth two blogs, even for an old curmudgeon like me! I have never considered myself a -American. Of course that may be because I would have to be a Greek/German/Russian-American. But I agree, you are an American or you are not. If you don't want to be an American, then go somewhere else or at least be a good guest.
UnwashedMass's picture
Submitted by UnwashedMass on Tue, 09/11/2007 - 13:30
DarthClem is my hero!
dre98's picture
Submitted by dre98 on Thu, 09/13/2007 - 11:28
Things aren't always that simple. I am an American, but being Latino is also part of my identity. Do you really want to know how many times I am asked, once someone knows my last name, "Where are you from?" While the idea of "we are all Americans" is great in theory, many people are constantly reminded that they are "different".

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