Not so Happy Feet...


Shared on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 20:01

I saw Happy Feet today. I wanted to see Casino Royale, but got out-voted by my 6 year old son and 5 year old daughter.

So how is it? Well, that depends on how many minutes you think singing and dancing penguins are funny and adorable. For me, that amount of time is exactly the length of the the theatrical trailer for Happy Feet. Seriously, this movie is pretty much 90 minutes of tech demo showing penguins singing and dancing.

Oh, and if you aren't a big fan of Robin Williams (which I'm not), this movie is a cross between sitting on your own testicles for 90 minutes and drinking a tubful of Robin Williams dirty bath water. That means I'll be spending all night with a cold pack on my scrotum and pulling back hair out from between my teeth.

The plot of the movie falls somewhere below a Jackie Chan movie and slightly above a porno -- meaning, virtually no plot. Just enough to hold together the singing and dancing penguins. And speaking of "porno", there's a character named "Lovelace". And guess what -- Lovelace has a plastic six-pack ring around his neck causing him to choke. A choking character called Lovelace, in a kid's movie. Kick ass in-joke for the grown-ups. 8O

30 minutes into Happy Feet, my daughter was asking "how long 'til this is over?"

"Not soon enough, honey. Not soon enough..."

If you're looking for a FAR BETTER movie to take your kids to, go to Flushed Away. And if you really feel you must see Happy Feet, just download the music video from XBLM and watch it 20-25 times in a row. That's essentially the movie.


Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 20:05
I think I would have walked out in your situation, it looked like a total bore fest
DarthClem's picture
Submitted by DarthClem on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 20:33
Oh, I was close to just getting up and leaving. And making my wife and kids walk home. But that probably would have eliminated "Sexy Time" tonight.

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