Last Night


Shared on Tue, 08/29/2006 - 13:03
Last night my two older sons ganged up on the two year old and somehow caused him to fall on his face and puncture his lip pretty badly.  We still don't know exactly what happened, the oldest told me that he told the middle child to throw the two year old off of the bed.  So needless to say we spent a few hours in the ER last night.  The physician on duty said that since most small children tend to pull out or just simply eat the stitches out of their lips there was no point in putting any in unless we absolutely wanted to.  My wife and I agreed that we didn't want the stitches, and he seems to be doing pretty well today.  Every once in a while he will point at his lip and say ouch or something to that effect, but other than that he seems ok.  At least I got a day off from work because of it, although I will be hating the fact next payday.


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