Shared on Thu, 11/12/2009 - 13:26Last night a very dear friend of mine suffered a near fatal chronic hard drive failure. I did everything that I could to save here life, but in the end I was forced to pull her plug. Now as I wait the standard four day morning period for her cardboard casket to arrive in the mail, I wonder why I didn't see the warning signs sooner. Maybe, just maybe there could have been something that I could have done differenlty that would extended her life. Regardless she will be tough to replace as we have been together for almost three years now. Everytime I think of her and the good times we have had I get a bit teary eyed. I will never forget that pretty chrome smile and her lovely green eye. Please keep her in your prayers that she travels safely to her destination, and that when she returns her red rings have turned green once again...
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Submitted by Caesar on Thu, 11/12/2009 - 13:27
Submitted by Samarah on Thu, 11/12/2009 - 14:07