First Bumps in the Road


Shared on Wed, 01/19/2011 - 09:37

As mentioned in my last Blog, MEGALITH (v0.4) exhibited serious frame-rate issues during a 3 way split screen custom game.

Those who have followed my Blog on the Stonehenge reconstruction within MEGALITH might understand I have no intention of changing it for arbitrary reasons. It is what it is. The remaining parts of the map are somewhat open to change. I say somewhat because I am extremely close minded about making changes that I didn't think of myself. I am prideful about being able to call this "my map". Yeah, I have faults.

So what could I do to make this map more acceptable to the Community Cartographer (CC) process? The CC representatives are tasked with finding quality maps and they seem determined not to tarnish their credibility by allowing shoddy maps get through to Bungie. I would be just like them if I were in their position. They are fully aware of frame-rate issues. Knowing my map is playable but has a split screen frame-rate issue, I had to at least try something.

I went into Forge and deleted all of the portable shields and every second railing in the outer concentric ring. Removing the railings was sacriledge because they are part of my documented reconstruction. This was fact finding so I did it. Immediately following this I went into 3 way split screen. The results were very positive. The frame-rate issues appeared to be gone. I am aware that minor frame-rate dropping can be a little subjective depending on the individual. I also could not simultaneously control all 3 players. That would have forced the 360 to work even harder thus uncovering even more issues. I then back tracked a bit and deleted only the portable shields. The results were the same. Yay for me because I didn't have to change the Stonehenge structure.

Now I had to build something new in the middle of the map. It was just too open without the portable shields. I had picked them for cover because they provided transparent cover and added colour. My wife approved of them too which didn't hurt my map making efforts. So I've had this other idea from the beginning and it fits my fiction for this map. Benches like church pews. After all, if somebody came to this structure as part of a congregation, they need a place to sit. So here is my solution. Before is on the left and after is on the right.

Long story short, this solution appears to work for 3 player split screen but a 4 player split does have some frame-rate issues. Does that make the map a strong contender for the Community Cartographer dumpsite? I don't know. I don't want to waste the CC rep's time but I am unwilling to totally give up yet.

My next Blog will be a reference visit to a Bungie map and more pictures.


Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Fri, 03/25/2011 - 04:52
selden007's picture
Submitted by selden007 on Wed, 01/19/2011 - 19:29
I hope it is putting a big statue of me in the middle! Hehe I like the new look and can not wait to try her out on Thursday at 2old2pwn clan night!
wamam87's picture
Submitted by wamam87 on Wed, 01/19/2011 - 20:02
i like the "pews" better than the portable shields. it seems more authentic or natural to the lay of the land. keep grinding. i'm sure at the very worst, you'll find some creative and fitting compromises to make it work. ;)
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Wed, 01/19/2011 - 09:52
It sounds like you're running into real life compromise decisions that developers need to make while building a game.
DEEP_NNN's picture
Submitted by DEEP_NNN on Wed, 01/19/2011 - 09:58
@TANK Yeah, I do have one sacrilegious compromise in mind but it has to work well or I won't bother with it. Initial tests were not positive. :(

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