Shared on Tue, 10/12/2010 - 19:25
Today I took a break away from trying to show how I might be as smart as Neolithic man. In fact, I seem to continue to prove I am not. The Stonehenge solution I showed in the last Blog is only part of the more extensive requirements and it had errors in its description. If any of you tried to follow it, God help you. It might have helped a little bit though. I'll revisit it better in another Blog. If you are not here to read about it, that would be no surprise to me.
So back to Forge and some productivity. I settled for the final positions I derived for the Trilithon horseshoe. The Great Trilithon and the open end Trilithons seemed to be positioned rather well but the middle sets appear to be a little closer to the centre than in the original structure. I scaled off the distances from the plan I have and many things appeared good enough. I give myself a measure of latitude for error because some of the stones were re-erected over the centuries. Even today's archaeologists are questioning some of the current positions.
I also completed setting the lintels for the outer wall in place. They still need the gaps filled but I have it in hand and will likely get to that soon.
BTW. I have used all 100 Building Blocks. Everything else gets built from another object category.
These are my nagging discrepancies.
Middle set of Trilithons may have a better solution for position. I might fix it if I find it.
All Trilithons orthostats are centred too far apart. If you look at the original structure you will notice how close together they are. My Gold Standard scale is not the problem. I've got them placed as per instruction but I am now questioning those instructions a tiny bit. If I learn of a better method to space them I will fix them. It won't affect the whole structure or gameplay.
I do not have an accurate height for the middle set of Trilithons. I have 6 metres for the shortest ones and 7.5 for the tallest. I can see from pictures that they are sort of half the difference between the two. So that is what I chose. Exactly half the difference. If the proper distance is substantially different I will fix it.
The outer wall lintels are not quite as thick as the originals. Not too far from reasonable. The object set offers no solution and I am not going to fix it.
Thanks for reading by the way.
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Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Tue, 10/12/2010 - 22:34
Submitted by ProvingUnique on Wed, 10/13/2010 - 06:06
Submitted by Spidey on Wed, 10/13/2010 - 11:28