Shared on Wed, 01/26/2011 - 10:49
Just so you know, I submitted MEGALITH to HBO and Forgehub for Community Cartographer attention.
Feel free to follow my progress there. Don't expect to see much, if anything going on. I will post any significant news back to here periodically.
HBO is just a straight forward submission, posts to that topic do not affect its popularity or enhance its chances for Community Cartographer attention. In fact, it might work against the cause. I also sent an email to the CC reps confirming the submission topic, just in case they missed the forum post (and because I can be anal sometimes).
Forgehub is a bit of a foreign land to me. I'm not sure if replying to that topic will help my map's chances or not. If you choose to reply, please indicate you played on it and what you liked or didn't like about it. That will cause the map topic to be bumped to the top of the forum for a few hours. The odd bump every few days would be nice but I have no expectation anyone should do that for me.
Have any of you submitted a map to the Community Cartographer process? If you have a well tested map, get cracking. Please pass on any helpful information, you learn on your journey, to other 2old2play members.
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