Shared on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 10:46MEGALITH is just about all that it can be. My single minded purpose of building a Stonehenge reconstruction based on the original Neolithic design and putting a playable map space around it has worked. Whether you like the map and it's effects on game play or not, it functions appropriately. Whether it makes it into matchmaking or not will depend on the rule set given to the Community Cartographer (CC) reps. They don't even have it as of my writing but soon will, they've been told. If there is anything working against it that would be the frame-rate issues present in a 3 way split screen session. If you've played on MEGALITH I presume you haven't experienced such issues during single screen play. I know I haven't seen it or heard of it.
So here are the changes I mentioned. Generally they are quite minimal and some only affect certain game types.
When I first offered up this map for customs, I was in a rush. Remember the Bungie Humpday Challenge? Yup, I thew the finishing touches of the team bases together with a glimmer of hope Bungie might get to play on it. I didn't want to push the idea and waited for a reasonable opportunity to present the idea. Didn't happen. Oh well. In my rush to completion a few details didn't get addressed.
Full mirrored symmetry. That's where half the map is duplicated exactly the same as if seen in a mirror. It was mostly there except for a few things.
The sand bag cover and curved wall spawn hives were not mirrored. So I did it. You will also notice a couple of little triangles just outside the wall. I added these after I saw my buddy Adam West splatter an unfortunate respawner. It pushes the Hogs out from the wall thus reducing the splatter spawn killing. Before left, after right.
The bases on the seaward end were the full width of the map which did not match the spacing on the cove end. No space for change in the cove so I narrowed the spacing of the seaward base. This eliminated potential complaints about timing and distance issues. The lower walkways were centered on both ends to but that doesn't show well in a picture.
Teleporters were added to each base leading to the top outer wall. They allowed a very quick path halfway down the map but not to any power weapons. I added these not only for more varied map movement but also as a pressure relief valve for when you are getting owned in your base.
The central portable shields were deleted and replaced by benches and walls as mentioned in the last Blog. The walls (double windows actually) were added to give a covered view of the enemy but also reward a good marksman. I positioned them such that a Spartan's head and shoulders are above them. A squatted player is covered, except for his feet that is. Even the benches give a little cover.
Teleporters were added for both KOTH and Territories. I have a hill and a territory that are covering the highest points on the map. The only access to them was via Jetpack. Since I can't predict what AA Bungie would put in a playlist I had to do something about it.
Weapons positions were not changed except for a bit of enhanced visibility.
Since this Blog has gotten a little long I'll save MEGALITH's fiction for later.
Thanks for reading. :)
- DEEP_NNN's blog
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Submitted by CrypticCat on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 11:01
Submitted by wamam87 on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 11:24
Submitted by DEEP_NNN on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 12:53
Submitted by doorgunnerjgs on Fri, 01/21/2011 - 14:46