It's been awhile


Shared on Mon, 11/06/2006 - 10:01

Been very busy these last few months. Work has been good, we just let go a couple of Instructional Designers from my team. They just couldn't deal with the manager.

So the flag football is going well pretty different. This is my first time coaching football to kids. I played HS and some college football and when i was in the Navy i played 10 yrs of flag football. So i thought it would be nice to "volunteer" as a coach at the YMCA for the NFL youth Flag Football plus my step son who is a monster. 14 y/o 225 at 5'11". I just don't know why he didn't play tackle, anyway that is another story. So before the season began I was begged by the YMCA athletic director that they needed another head coach for the U15 team,well i couldn't say no and thats when the soap opera began. I thought it was going to cool coaching 13-14-15 y/olds about flag football.So i drew up about 20 plays nothing complex, besides it was 5-on-5. Bought a wrist band so the QB can call the plays, built a playbook, outline the practices the whole thing. I felt i was orgnanized. So i get the kids for the first practice and I had a few that towered over 6ft tall. Kids that was 14/15! So we got dubbed the team to beat. So the second practice we started calling plays, well i did..."strong right-in motion fly-out-curl in -post corner" Boy did i get a strange look from these kids. it was funny. The kids came up with a team name...Oakleaf Gators, of all the team names. I wondered why they didnt like my team name...Oakleaf Buckeyes.

First game two weeks ago.. we lost to our rival 28-21. They had three safeties on us. Our defense was really good that day 4 INTs two returned for a TD. Everyone played that day. Total of 8 players that day. i thought it was a very good game I even busted my ass on the sideline running with one of the players after he had intercepted the ball and returned for a TD. Anway practice began Monday and the soap opera continued. A couple of parents were a little concern about playing time for their sons. One parent asked me how come i didnt put his son at QB in the game.Well i didnt tell him what was on my mind of course so i had to put it a different way. it seems every kid wants to come in and QB. I can't please everyone

The second game. we were at full strength, 10 players. Our regular QB was back in town. The kids were fired up and confident. they told me "NO SAFETIES" today adn that we are going undefeated the rest of the way. The team we were playing was small. The short story we lost 19-6. 90% was my fault this time. We had to travel to the other YMCA in the county for this game. So when we got there, there was no refs for the game. I come to find out that they were all relaxing near the picnic table. So i strolled over there and asked the refs are we going to start today or wait till the next game. Fisrt mistake on me. They said sure we will be there in a sec. Then the refs came and asked for a pen to keep score. My first thought refs not organized. So it was 6-0 at half time and were losing due to A LOT of dropped balls. I thought we would get the ball after halftime since we deferred, oh no it doesn't work this way at this YMCA. Then i asked the ref are you guys in High School? Sure enough they both were and then he started to argue with me about what does that have to do with it. I responded to say its just a question. But he still started to jack his jaw. So i asked him are you going to ref the game or jack your jaw to me. Then thats when the laundry started to fall all over the field. The team ended up with five flags, the refs were calling everything. We couldn't win that day, we ended up losing to a weaker team 19-6. At one point of the game the refs asked my team what was the score of the game. I am just glad we don't have to go there anymore the rest of our games are home and besides all the teams make the playoffs. So post -season counts.

Well practice is today and i am sure to be braced for the parents.



Anonymous's picture
Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) on Mon, 11/06/2006 - 10:21
Good to see ya back bro, was wonderin bout ya!!! Mike

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