Brick by Brick


Shared on Thu, 03/15/2012 - 14:51

It's great that XBLA has full versions of the Lego Series available for my ADD self to grab and play. From Star Wars to Indiana Jones to Harry Potter to Pirates of the Caribbean, they are all there for a low low price and no need to wait for Amazon or go to your local game store.

Since each game employs familiar tricks for replayability that span each title. It got me to thinking: "What's the next movie series to go Lego?"

Lego James Bond I sure as hell wouldn't want to play On Her Majesty's Secret Service on Free Play, but driving in a Lego Aston Martin DB-V would be awesome!

Lego Avengers Gives a whole new meaning to "Avengers, Assemble!" 

Lego Twilight No, hell no. HELL no. Uh-uh. Nope. Nada.

Lego Lethal Weapon I guess Riggs would have the special ability to be able to escape a strait jacket and Murtaugh would just run about exclaiming, "I'm to old for this *#%@"

Lego Desperado I can see players getting into actual fisticuffs over who gets to control Carolina.

Lego Godfather I'd play the first two and hire someone to play the third just to get the gamerscore.

Lego Austin Powers Mini-Me would be the Short Round character, Dr. Evil could be the one to access the Red Glowies and The Shaguar driving stages could be fun.

Lego Superman Wait, never mind, there has never been a good Superman video game ever.


Which would you like to see?


zippy731's picture
Submitted by zippy731 on Fri, 03/16/2012 - 01:05

A-Team or Dukes of Hazzard would be awesome. 

Daisy Duke as a lego figure.  mmmm.

DefterEquation9's picture
Submitted by DefterEquation9 on Wed, 03/28/2012 - 12:02

Yeah, I'd play that! Roscoe P. Coltrane in Hot Pursuit!

It's gotta be better than this:

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