I miss clan night...


Shared on Tue, 03/23/2010 - 19:12

So I've been a member for 2Old2Play for a little while now.  When I first started I was so jazzed about this site.  I went out and joined a bunch of clans.  I had all kinds of people on my friends list.  I was finally able to play games online with some adults.  No one shouted noob at me.  And if they did at least they were old enough to vote.  Ahh the good old days.  But since then I have unjoined two of my clans.  The two that I try to be active on don't chat all that much.  The Cabal ladies never did play together.  I find that a bit sad I have to say.  I had been looking forward to gaming wtih the ladies.  I'm also in a FPS clan where we used to game pretty hard on Friday nights.  I always looked forward to getting home from work on Friday.  Now I get on and start looking for the guys but no luck.  I start looking around 7:30 pm.  By 10 pm if they aren't playing then I just give up and go to bed or do something else.  I get up at 6 so I don't want to start gaming at midnight.  I suspect that I am missing some of the guys because they need to put wives or kids to bed before they can play.  By then I'm tired.

Has anyone else experienced this?  Do you belong to a clan(s) that used to be really active and now no one is ever online?  I miss being able to jump online and have someone to play with almost every night.  I've even gone as far as taking most people off my friends list since they never play with me anymore.  This is also starting to effect my game buying decisons.  I used to be very hardcore FPS. I bought some games because I thought I'd be doing online MP with friends. But now that it hasn't been happening there are quite a few games that I'm sure I either won't buy or will just rent.  Had I know this was going to happen I definitely would not have paid $60 for MW2.  I could have just rented it to play through the story and saved myself a lot of money.

I guess I'm just saying that I am very disappointed with my online gaming experience these days.  But...maybe this will save me some money.


J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Tue, 03/23/2010 - 19:22
Yeah... things go up... then down, then up then down... there is a flow that you can see... I've been off FPS for ... geez... maybe a year now
corbin_dallas's picture
Submitted by corbin_dallas on Tue, 03/23/2010 - 19:26
You also have to be proactive...don't sit there and wait for someone to invite you spam people with invites. If they want to play your game they'll jump over, if not they wont but if they don't, don't take it personally.
H2Daddy's picture
Submitted by H2Daddy on Tue, 03/23/2010 - 19:37
You just need to find the right group to play with. I went through a couple of clans myself before I found one that fit. And like corbin said, don't be shy.
FadeIntoBlack's picture
Submitted by FadeIntoBlack on Tue, 03/23/2010 - 19:39
I'll play with you anytime I'm on. I mostly play during the day these days, but do play weekend nights (though my MST late start might not help).
twistedcaboose's picture
Submitted by twistedcaboose on Tue, 03/23/2010 - 20:09
Get on the FPS games friends lists. I know there is one or two for halo and I'm sure there is one for COD. These always produce results
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Tue, 03/23/2010 - 21:40
Like Phreak said, some of those lists have had regular players for years. Besides RL drawing folks different directions often times a new game fades a bit or they pickup a non multiplayer/online game. GL!
slowthumbs's picture
Submitted by slowthumbs on Tue, 03/23/2010 - 23:01
Yep. same thing has happened to my clan. Feel free to send an invite when you're on if you need team mates for any multiplayer games. The clan i'm in still does do wed's, but the group is a bit smaller than it used to be. I definitely expect it to pick up considerably when halo reach beta comes out in May.
Codemunkee's picture
Submitted by Codemunkee on Wed, 03/24/2010 - 07:23
I'm in thumb's clan, and yeah its slowed down, but that tends to happen with the onslaught of new releases plus RL crap (I have 2 small kids, one is 3 months with health problems!) to deal with. That and honestly games do tend to come and go. If you're anything like me, you dont jump on every single game that comes out on release day, and by the time you do some people have moved on to the "next big thing". That makes it hard. Stick with it - theres so many people here that it shouldn't be hard, in or out of clan, to find people to game with. and when in doubt, spam invites :D
Codemunkee's picture
Submitted by Codemunkee on Wed, 03/24/2010 - 07:25
oh and to add, I'm in 2old2shoot as well, and I've NEVER done a clan night unfortunately, because I don't own COD and I didn't want to give in because of my own time constraints and all the junk people talk about the glitching in MP... and they still put up with me though :)
NormalGuy's picture
Submitted by NormalGuy on Wed, 03/24/2010 - 08:40
2old2playHalo is still active as far as I know. Try them on for size. NG

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