Day Without Play. . .


Shared on Sun, 04/30/2006 - 13:32
Finished work at 6AM, in bed by 7AM, unconscious till 3PM. Then up, some shopping, bite to eat and watch some TV (the last few days Sky+ recordings), all the while thinking "I really should load Oblivion up for an hour" and never quite getting round to it. And fairly soon I have to bathe and set off for another night at the coalface of bank holiday weekend drunken fuckwittedness. Not too unusual, I have so many hobbies and pastimes that often weeks can go by without playing, but it is a rarity these days when most days something gets played at some time. But I will take my DS and play some more Mario tonight on refs. And await the DS Lite and further down the line the console formerly called revolution (yup, Im gonna have a Wii later this year, it must be all the beer) Im a Nintendo Fanboy at heart if you cornered me and demanded to know. . .I cant help it, its just the way it is. Havent switched the PSP on for a month now, just nothing grabbing me (maybe Daxter, anyone? anyone? Bueller? Bueller?) Oh, and Im also in a little heaven all of my very own with the new Tool album, 10,000 days. I can see a long and involved love affair about to take off, its been entirely too long since Lateralus! TTFN Drewe


Gazzara's picture
Submitted by Gazzara on Sun, 04/30/2006 - 13:50
I heard you did great yesterday so well done mate. How you getting on with Oblivion too? You havent said yet and I am kinda curious. If youre ever online and Im playing Oblivion then just fr me anyway and ill always come to the dark side and you can arrest me for being a GRAW whore, lol.
AnUmpaLumpa's picture
Submitted by AnUmpaLumpa on Sun, 04/30/2006 - 17:33
not touched the psp? Im surfin on it now to type this. Its all i really use it for, surfin, music, movies.

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