The PS2 effect. . .


Shared on Mon, 05/01/2006 - 09:24
Id never owned a PS2. Dont really know why. I remember the massive hype, fights and shortages when it was originally released (one person even got into the local shit-sheet with her story of woe) and can only presume that my gaming was at a low ebb and I couldnt find the interest to hunt one down. Then I got an X-Box and GameCube and never really thought about it again. Strange as I was as frenzied as anyone lese on the UK release of the Playstation 1 (Sept 9th 1995 if memory serves!). Indeed it has been a source of some pride to me that as a gamer I have never owned a PS2! Well, now I do. That news article/retrospective on Shadow Of Collossus finally turned my hand. . .that and the chance to play Gradius V on a big screen rather than the GBA version Ive been playing for four years. . .god I love Gradius/Nemesis/Salamander, but strangely never clicked with R-Type. . .funny old thang eh? So this morning I went out, card in hand, and handed over the moolah for a spanky little black PS2. Only a hundred quid. I really dont think the cost of owning EVERY console out there is much greater than the cost of owning only one. After the initial outlay (lets face it, about the same as two 360 games at retail, or 2.5 at online/Tescos prices) its no more expensive really, Ill never go out with the intention of buying a new game for EVERY console I own, will I? It might make the decision making process a little harder having the entire catalogue of every console to choose from and I may, from time to time buy two games, but itll be a rarity. No, for the most part it appears to be all plusses to owning all the consoles. Im a multi console family. Get me! TTFN Drewe


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