Shared on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 14:10I keep staring at my stack of games and try to decide which to play. I can't though. I have many games I haven't finished yet, but they just aren't appealing to me right now. I wish games weren't so expensive, so I could get something new. I do have two games from Gamefly right now, Tony Hawk P8 and Just Cause. I really liked TH but I'm ranked 3rd in the game, and all the challenges left take so much time to complete, it's lost its appeal, not to mention each challenge now takes me hours to complete. Just Cause hasn't really held my attention. Is this game just a Central American GTA? It sure looks like the same game engine, just with different graphics. Anyways, I'll probably send that back and hope to get C&C III as it's at the top of my queue. Well, maybe I'll go work on GHII some more. I only have 7 songs left to 5 star on hard. I still have 3 that I can only get 3 stars on: Psychobilly, Msirlou, and one other. I just can't seem to get the fingers trained well enough. Ah well.
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Submitted by Doogs on Thu, 07/12/2007 - 02:09
Submitted by KingBayman on Wed, 07/11/2007 - 14:43