Best Buy Blues


Shared on Tue, 10/24/2006 - 11:07
I like Best Buy, they have good products at good prices... But in my opinion, their stock just dropped considerably.  I bought a Geek Squad brand UPS (uniteruptable power supply.)  I bought their biggest unit because I need to protect 3 computers.  the information is not in the included manual, on-line at their website or in the included software, so I contacted 1-800-geeksquad to ask how to send the UPS' shutdown signal to all 3 pc's on a loss of power.

the rep told me that I could as long as the pc's are networked (which they are), and that they did exactly this in their call center.  she then told me that she could not help me but that I could contact another department who could.  I contacted that dept and was told that the information was not available but that I could either pay a Geek Squad Tech to come to my house, or pay for phone support and they would get it "up and running".

This seems to be a shady buisness practice, to sell a product, keeping setup information OUT of the manual, and then charge for the information.  Does Microsoft own Best Buy?


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