Day 2 Update... Part Deux


Shared on Tue, 07/31/2007 - 04:28
Finally, the continuation of day 2 of Comic Con.  Hopefully everyone has not been waiting in anticipation for this blog.    After the WB panel, there nothing much to do other than walk the convention floor.  I would have stayed in Hall H but Fox had canceled their panel due to not having their films ready for preview.  How that is possible I am not certain.  You would figure that a major studio would be ready for something that is big as Comic Con.  Oh well, just gives me more time to look at things.  The great thing about walking around the booths are the surprises that can occur.  I walking pass the WB booth and Missy Peregrym, she's the shape shifting girl from Heroes, was signing for her new show Reaper.  Not sure if this means that her character is no longer on the show but she could still do both. A few moments in line and I got an autograph from a celeb, can beat that  Anyways, she was pretty nice and greet each fan w/ a friendly hello.  I was able to snap a picture of her while I was in line.  Love the t-shirt she was wearing.  It stated Mmm... Burritos.  Not sure if that was a promotion for something but pretty funny to see. 

As I was turning the corner and putting away my new autograph, I ran into Gregory Helms, a wrestler.  He's actually one of my favorites from the WWE.   He is a huge comic book fan and for a time period his wrestling character was a superhero known as the Hurricane.  I was surprised to see him there and gave him one of those, don't I know you look?  But before I could react, he disappeared.  It's alright, it not like I would have said anything.  I usually get quiet when I meet celebrities, not that I am amazed by them or anything.  I view them as normal people, but I just quiet in social situations.  After walking around and snapping some pics, I had a headache, so I though I would go somewhere and just relaxed for a little.  So I head back to Hall H, to see what was going on in the hall, since there was nothing schedule.  Inside they were playing various trailers, so I decided to sit and relax for a bit.  Most of the trailers I have seen but it was just nice to have trailer after trailer.  Something about watching trailers makes me giddy.  The one that got the most reaction was Lindsey Lohan's new movie, I know who killed me.  People were snickering because it was Lindsey but others were oohing because she plays a stripper and that was one of the first images of the trailer.  Next panel was 24 but I decided to opt out on it because of my headache but also it was to interfere w/ the Halo Universe panel.  I continued to watch some more trailers until it was time to leave.

I was to meet up w/ Gaius at the Halo panel.  We have been texting one another throughout the convention and this was the only one that interested us both.  I got there first because he was at the Stargate panel.  Unfortunately I think he got preoccupied there as he did not make this one.  Basically the discussion was about the Halo Universe, which encompass the new Haloclix line, the graphic novels, and the new Marvel comic.  Nothing was going to be discussed about the game as no one from Bungie was there.  The panel consisted of a rep from Wiz Kid, author Eric Nylund, comic writer Brandon Micheal Bendis, artist Alex Maleev and a Marvel rep.  Wiz Kid rep showed a pic of the Scarub and some of the figures available.  The first series will consist of 90 different figurines and various vehicles.  The Puma, oops I mean Warthog was shown.  Figures will be availble in four per box starting at $10 and vehicles will be sold separately.   It 's already been determine that Lbsutke will be spending some good amount of money to collect these.  There will be an additional novel but Eric will not be writing it but that he is open to do another one.  There was a discussion of the new comic mini-series.  Some pages of the comic was shown and it looks awesome.  It was also mention that there would be more mini-series in the future.  There was a Q&A w/ the panel and there were a few timmies asking question about the game.  You can check out my favorite question in my last entry.  The panel tried to answer the best they could, but I am not certain if they knew much about it. Of course, they gave the answer of we cannot tell as Microsoft would kill us.  That concluded the panel and I was off to wander some more.

Since my headache did not go away and there was nothing left that interested me, I decided to call it a day.  There was a Star Wars panel, as it was Star Wars Day, but I was at Celebration IV two months earlier and had my fix there.  I was pretty sure it would be the same things that were discussed, so I could miss it this year.  I was interested in the Kevin Smith panel but I knew that would probably not be the best place w/ a headache.  So back to the hotel I went, plus my cousin was coming down from San Jose to join me, so I had to meet up w/ him.  It was going to be his first time and I don't thing he was ready for the madness.  So that finally concludes day 2.  I was happy that I was able to make it to the WB panel and enjoy the presence of Kate Beckinsale, got an autograph and ran into one of my favorite wrestlers.  I would say it was a good day.  Well off to bed I go.  Hopefully I should have an entry for day 3 tomorrow. Until then, stay tuned for more...


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