Informal post count poll


Shared on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 09:41
What would you think abot the following 3 options:

  • Change nothing
  • Hide post counts
  • Zero out post counts daily, and hide them

Just looking for opinions...  This poll means nothing...



Orbytal's picture
Submitted by Orbytal on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 09:43
hide post counts or change nothing.....
codemonkey's picture
Submitted by codemonkey on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 09:44
hide 'em.
Lonewolf's picture
Submitted by Lonewolf on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 09:45
I was excited about the site feedback option did that get cancelled or something?? At first I thought hide post count, but then some may not post at all or at a reduced rate.
Big0ne's picture
Submitted by Big0ne on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 09:46
How 'bout hiding the count but keeping the "baby", "middle aged", "elderly" moniker to help people get an idea of a particular persons involvement in the forums.
TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 09:48
As the new king of posting i have to strongly disagree with 'hiding' the post count. This site is a game on itself, stats for ladders, stats for posting, stats for blogs. If you're going to take away stats then take them all away.
wellskelpt's picture
Submitted by wellskelpt on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 09:48
what difference does it make? A post-whore is a post-whore regardless of the numbers being available. I couldn't even tell you how many posts I have but if it's important to someone else, fine. I think it's funny seeing some of the other larger numbers and just droping my jaw in awe. I suppose I don't really care what happens to them but resetting everyday doesn't meke sense at all.
biorod's picture
Submitted by biorod on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 09:50
Change nothing.
Rock's picture
Submitted by Rock on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 09:55
Number of post means nothing, it's the quality of the poster's content that I am concerned with. Hide it or do away with it all together. I liked the idea of a karma based system that allows the community to rate post.
KingDrewsky's picture
Submitted by KingDrewsky on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 09:58
Change nothing. Post whoring is a minor annoyance and seems to be relegated more to the clan forums. Any obvious post whore threads can be moved to the City Dump. I like being able to check a member's post count and see if they are an active member of the community. Mainly I am looking at if they have more than just a handful of posts. I could care less if they have 100 or 5000 posts.
Blue_Stiehl's picture
Submitted by Blue_Stiehl on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 09:58
I say keep the post count. Sometimes it helps me understand a posters point of view or adds credibility to his/her post.
MTK005's picture
Submitted by MTK005 on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 10:02
I vote that you retain a post count until you reach 1250. After that, the count is removed and you get to select your own "title" at the discretion of site admins and moderators. When I reach 1250, I want to be called "Mr. Bond".
LB75Player's picture
Submitted by LB75Player on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 10:06
I agree 100% with KingDrewsky.
Lbsutke's picture
Submitted by Lbsutke on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 10:13
I like big one's idea or change nothing..
SoupNazzi's picture
Submitted by SoupNazzi on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 10:14
Change nothing.... Post Whore's with big counts really don't mean anything. Like Drewsky said, minor annoyance. Just drop meaningless posts.
Umbee's picture
Submitted by Umbee on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 10:16
Change nothing.
jtgjr007's picture
Submitted by jtgjr007 on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 10:21
I like BigOne's idea, or MTK005, except I have dibbs on Mr. Bond. I have 007 in my GT anfter all.:)
GIJoeBob's picture
Submitted by GIJoeBob on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 11:10
The Post Master General thing to me is kinda funny but it is no big deal to me. I say lose the count but keep the rankings.
sjam613's picture
Submitted by sjam613 on Wed, 09/13/2006 - 14:48
I just like knowing how active a member is in the community. Whether that is with the moniker"Baby, Child, etc" or post counts.

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