Bragg a little, Rant a little


Shared on Wed, 01/03/2007 - 14:52

I actually had a good game the other day, I rather proud of myself.  After all I play with Div.  XX, so when I play with the clan I'm just dead meat floating in a sea full of sharks  .   But anyway, this game was a SWAT game with carbines on Midship. 

I really hate to toot my own horn, but it seems even in a community of "mature" gamers it's kinda hard to get a compliment from anyone.  It's almost like common courtesy is out the window in general now with anything in life.  You go to the store someone bumps into you, no excuse me, no pardon me, just a shitty look.  But like the songs says if you want to make a change, you need to start with the man in the mirror.

I actually got a wild hair the other day and started to think about tried to get a local "LAN" type party going here in town and have a Halo 2 tournament.  To see how many gamers are really in a small town and ofcoruse to see if I could make a profit.  I've been trying to do some research on how to run a LAN, as far as equipment needed and how to hook everything up.  Example can I run 4 tvs from 1 xbox and each tv have 1 screen instead of split screens? or do I need 1 tv per 1 xbox?  Will I have to have a minumum of 4 tvs or 8? I guess that depends on the size of participates huh?  Hopefully someone will read this and lead me in the right direction with a link or insturctions.

I really wished a game store would come to town so I could quit my second job at Wal-Mart and get a job there.  Wal-Mart blows, I didn't mind spending money there until I started working there.  And I see how they treat there employees and how they favor some over others.  But one thing I learned while working there, you know how nobody on 1st shift don't have any idea where anything is?  It's because thay don't put out stock.  If you ever want andything at Wal-Mart go during 3rd shift.  They know where everything is.

Enough ranting I'm getting a headache now.


DualShock_1's picture
Submitted by DualShock_1 on Mon, 01/22/2007 - 18:04
Thanks for all the replies and support.
KLIK's picture
Submitted by KLIK on Wed, 01/03/2007 - 15:58
Good game DualShock. You'll need one Xbox per television and then you can split screen the television. So if you are doing a FFA tourney you could have 8 people playing on 4 setups doing the split screen or up to 16 people if you split the screen 4 ways.
jonny12gauge's picture
Submitted by jonny12gauge on Wed, 01/03/2007 - 15:58
Nice game there Dual, I knew you had it in ya!! Abour your LAN experiment: You can only run 1 TV per xbox, and 4 people per xbox but they would be in split screen. Let me know when your LAN is, I'll come down ;)
jtgjr007's picture
Submitted by jtgjr007 on Wed, 01/03/2007 - 16:18
Kudos for quoting Michael Jackson:)

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