Gotta love the 360!!!!!


Shared on Sun, 02/11/2007 - 21:13

I've been gaming alot lately, and a big thanks the AgedSANDSHARK for helping me with Gears of War!!! We both played through in co-op mode on casual.  And next hopefully, on hardcore (so he can get his Dom achievement) and then maybe one insane.  Sandshark helped me find all the cog tags, and is trying to get me use to the sniper rifle on it. 

I have also played the demo for Tony Hawk's Project 8, it looks like it might be a really cool game, and a break from shooters, I've been on Halo live for about 4 months now and playing Gears of War ALOT lately.  Oblivion is a must and hopefully and really good RPG.  I miss getting lost in a RPG, and again a big thanks to Sandshark for getting me into RPGs (read my first blog for details).  I have also played the demo for Prey, it's a shooter but seems like it might have a good storyline.  I borrowed Lost Planet, it doesn't seem to be worth all the hype, after all most gamers buy a game for more than just graphics, put I decided to play a couple more chapters in it just to be certain.


JediJames117's picture
Submitted by JediJames117 on Mon, 02/12/2007 - 21:23
Tony Hawk Project 8 is a great game!!!!

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