My Halo 2 Gameplay


Shared on Mon, 12/25/2006 - 15:00

I have been seriously thinking about my gameplay, even thought I've only been playing for around 3 months now.  I've decided that I think I'm more of a mid-range type.  Meaning a battle rifle as my primary and shotty, plasma rifle as my secondary.  I play clan matches alot which can get a person down if they forget that they are playing people 10 levels higher and months and years of more experince.  Myself and AgedSANDSHARK are trying to put together a 4 man team that we can trust, one of the 4 is a guy we work with (we'll just call him "Sarge" right now).  We think that the "Sarge will help us out a lot as far as gameplay and stratagey.   But I did get into a random matchmaking game in team slayer that my team actually worked as a team 

This game kinda blew my mind, we set up and fortified and let them come to us, it was great.  I was watching the rocks to the left (standing at the BR spawn) one guy was on the turret one was at Snipe spawn and the sniper would give any help that needed it.  I just can't wait for myself The Sarge and SANDSHARK to get playing together.  Hopefully at the end of next month I can have more games like this one instead of being on a team with 3 other supertimmies.


Kysr_Gal's picture
Submitted by Kysr_Gal on Mon, 01/08/2007 - 18:21
DualShock, I'm looking for a group to play Team Slayer with on a regular basis as I think team work is the key - my style is as a support player and it's the role I enjoy the most. Let me know if you're interested. Also, watch Ceasor's vids for a good example of team work. I've learned a lot from those.
Lithium's picture
Submitted by Lithium on Mon, 12/25/2006 - 17:45
There is nothing better in Halo 2 than playing with a solid team. Once you get a feel of eachother and the chemistry flows right, its uncanny how much it improves your game. Good luck!
DualShock_1's picture
Submitted by DualShock_1 on Mon, 01/22/2007 - 18:07
Kysr_Gal, I'm not in the same playing level as you, you are much better than I. I love to watch Ceasar's vids, I learn a lot from them.

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