So......Is PCP A Big Deal?


Shared on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 09:55

ATC_1982 wrote
Another reason why Lan tickets are down ; PCP is having a mini lan on the same days. don't believe me look at tenaciousGinger's Blog right before mine. only reason why some of the other PCP crowd wont be there which is also a big CLAN for 2o2p.

Drost wrote:
 i'm still pissed off about that. those guys know likely they wouldn't be a clan without 2o2p, right? nothing like biting the hand that feeds them. IF this one somehow doesn't make what we need and we don't have one next year, I'm burning that clan to the ground.

There's still time to avoid that particular outcome, however.

Based on these two comments posted in a private forum with limited access and lbsutke blog for yesterday it's the members of PCP's fault that interest in the Chicago LAN is down. Before I get into my comments, let me say that this is about a shady and shitty as it gets to talk about PCP and burning us down without jack shit for knowledge of the situation. And all behind our back. Man the fuck up and talk to us directly. Good job Timmies. Pure chicken shit. Now, to the few members of 2o2p that might read this that are not is PCP and may not know the background of this situation, let me explain.

The PCP LAN was originally scheduled for early July in Pittsburg for several reasons. Some members of PCP had a LAN in this location with a past clan and knew of the area and accommodations. Second, PCP has a large East coast presence.

Unfortunately, because of scheduling conflicts with the original hotel the location needed to change. Once the location changed the date pushed back a few weeks. PCP members then took a vote on what weekend they would like to have the get together based on the dates available at the new location. August 7-9th was selected. Doodi was notified by clan overlords.

Several weeks later the CHI LAN was announced to the 2o2p community. August 7-9th. Malicious intent on the part of PCP.....NO.

From then PCP internally has tried to generate interest in the PCP LAN. Never advertising outside of the clan forums. Someone mentioning the LAN in their personal blog and in no way advertising is out of the control of the PCP LAN organizers. We've attempted to do internal fund raisers to fund our LAN along with make a site donation. We've attempted to get sponsors.....all with Doodi's knowledge and with 2o2p plastered all over everything we do. At no point have we made a step without 2o2p as a whole in our thoughts.

We currently sit a 13 attendees committed with only about 4 actual LAN tickets purchased. Most are within a few hours driving distance and some living in and around Pittsburg.

Now since the true feelings of some 2o2p members have come to light we have internally opened discussion regarding how we feel about the situation and how to proceed.

We have several members in the immediate Chicago area that have no intention of coming to the PCP LAN or going to the CHI LAN. Is that PCP's fault as well? Maybe instead of looking for someone to blame. Look to the current economic situation. Maybe understand that most PCP members were new to the site when they joined PCP and that's all they know, myself included. I rarely game with anyone outside my clan. I rarely event post outside our clan forum. To combat this.....we've attempted on several occasions to host mixers with other clans to break down those barriers. Sometimes it's been successful.....sometime not.

So.....that's as much as I can do to let the unaware public understand the situation as it is right now. the comments by ATC and Drost.

ATC.....PCP has been around for about 2 years. Did any PCP member attend the 2o2p LAN last year? Is there a list of attendees so we can confirm this? Meemoos is the only person I think may have attended. Piece of info.....I don't know if she's attending the CHI LAN this year...but guess what, she's not attending the PCP who's fault is that? Also, posting in a closed forum your true feelings.......manly.

Drost.....Who the fuck are you and where in the fuck do you get off saying your are going to burn PCP to the ground if the CHI LAN doesn't get what it needs to go off. Please read my comments to ATC. Don't look to blame others for the economy an what may be your poor attempt to generate interest. To you as well, nice to see your true feelings in a closed forum.


Drost's picture
Submitted by Drost on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 13:56
lol. nah, it's the elimination of the 15 outright. you guys care enough to have a lan to begin with, which means you might be up for coming to the big one. 2o2p may have 16,000 members, but I'm betting less than 1000 of those are active. out of that 1000, how many would really think about coming to the lan? How many have wives (or husbands) that would let them? thing about the lan, if you've never been, is that most the time, you'll just be hanging out with your clan, but you never know who you're going to meet from some other clan who'll end up becoming a pretty decent friend. It happened to me. I keep saying this, but the Lan is a blast. If you've never been, you can't even begin to imagine what a good time it is. hell, the first year I went, I had only met two people in real life, and they were the ones in the car with me. Anyway, like someone else said, water under the bridge. Hopefully, we'll see you guys in chicago next august. And I'm not making you guys the scapegoat. like I said, it was just another thing in a list.
hilskie's picture
Submitted by hilskie on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 15:48
If I lived in Chicago, I'd go. :D
LukeBerry's picture
Submitted by LukeBerry on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 10:21
+1 Maybe it wasn't all 2old4duty's fault after all?
Cold's picture
Submitted by Cold on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 10:53
Why does the "unaware public" need to understand anything? I feel like I'm at the grocery store uncomfortably listening to a couple argue about chunky vs creamy peanut butter... I get were your both coming from, I just don't care. BOTH sides of this pissing match are doing harm to 202p by not having this discussion in clan forums, party chat or by PM. I liked it when 2o4duty was just gone and I didn't know why. So... Can Durty please post some pics of chicks kissing!!! How's that arcade cabinet coming along Gatsu? Br1ckt0p's blog... the heart of a lion, the head of a imac photobooth classic. Game on bitches!
hilskie's picture
Submitted by hilskie on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 11:01
It's a definition, you're not always going to read what you't read it. I personally would love to go to the CHI-LAN...but, honestly, my own personal economy doesn't allow it. I know there have been individuals that have posted in blogs, that it's just not that expensive to don't live on the West Coast. I'm not complaining that it's in Chicago...because if they moved it to a more centralized location, the whole rest of the world would complain...Chicago is as good as any town. People need to just simmer down...take a chill pill...relax...those of us who can't go, or aren't going to the CHI-LAN shouldn't be made to feel like shit because of it.
PowerMacAttack's picture
Submitted by PowerMacAttack on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 11:11
To add a bit more back story, PCP had talked about having a Clan only LAN vs the site LAN around the time of our 1 year anniversary at 2old2play last year. It was decided to start with a Clan event because of several factors, the most obvious being we are a relatively new clan ( less than 2 years ) who have grown considerably and wanted to meet and hang with our own members that we play with, but don't know. We also understood that many of our members are new to online gaming and clans in general, and they were intimidated by the size and scope of the site LAN. The last reason and this may be harder to understand, but we had honestly hoped that by having a smaller event before the site LAN, we could drum up interest for the site LAN by showing what a great time these functions are and get a group of us to represent in Chicago. At that time, we had no idea that the economy would drastically change and many members would lose jobs and income. We also didn't know when the site LAN would be exactly and as stated tried to have ours in July, but due to factors out of our control was bumped. That aside, PCP tries very hard to support 2old2play in everything we do and it is a shame that some folks feel the need to attack us. I have never seen any of the offenders in a mixer we host, nor have I seen any mention of the work we do for the site...for example Doodi himself thanked PCP in our forums for rallying to the cause and having several members support the site with Gold, silver and bronze membership. We have had fundraisers for members of the 2old2play family, given out Live memberships to those who needed them and even have the "unofficial" greeter for 2old2play as a member of our staff. We have writers and contributors to the sites main page in our clan, and we are donating a chunk of all of our LAN related activity back to 2old2play, not because of this but because we decided to do so a year ago. If we are so awful why would we do all of this? I think the insular cliques who seem to have an issue with us goes against what 2old2play represents and maybe they should look in the mirror and ask who is helping and who is just being a douche? PCP reaches out to anyone who wants to game and we play with any and all members of this site. Can you say the same or do you just throw stones?
metalian's picture
Submitted by metalian on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 11:15
More chicks kissing-YEAH!!!! And great blog 'Nobs and follow up Mac- Couldn't have said it any better!!!
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 11:21
WooHoo you mentioned my name. 8) Guess you don't read my blogs either as I do blame the economy. So if you all want to blame me for the start of it go for it and Drost has nothing to do with it since it was me who started it. That being said if you want to bash someone do it to me and me only. Now if you will excuse me I have to go read my hate mail that I hopefully get from PCP members 8)
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 11:26
I'm still trying to find a few site members to meet up with when we go to NC on aug. 6th through the 9th....if anyone going to either LAN would rather skip them to have a beer with me, I won't complain.....anyone?.....anyone?
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 11:47
@Automan what kind of beer we talking about?
Drost's picture
Submitted by Drost on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 11:49
ATC, it's fine, buddy. I said what I said. I'd be pissed off if someone said that about Profanity. Their anger is justified. though this is looking like a public hanging. You know, we're... Okay, nm. I'm speaking for me. I'm not blaming PCP for the lan not making numbers. It's just another in a series of unfortunate factors. Sure, the economy is one of those. Those of us trying to keep up the tradition of the 2o2p lan are pretty stressed out about the numbers so far this year. We're at 40 something, we need 100ish to break even (so Doodi doesn't have to pay for this shit out of his pockets). We shouldn't have to sell the 2o2p lan. if you've ever been to one, you know they're a damn good time. But i'm trying to explain my reasons for saying what I said, which probably don't matter at this point. My words were pretty harsh, I'll give you that. That's just the way I talk, generally. don't go hating 2o2p for my words. they're just mine, after all. I don't speak for the ownership. So my apologies, PCP. Have fun at your lan. Wish it could've worked out better. Whether you think it or not, I consider your presence on 2o2p (and at the lan) valuable. As for 2o4D, we (the administration) miss them, too, and wish they would've stayed.
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 11:55
@ATC, the only kind I drink, Yuengling Lauger ....
Drost's picture
Submitted by Drost on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 11:57
which is really good beer.
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 12:00
and @ all, I'll put it here first, though I cannot make it to the LAN this year.....I hope to in the future. So, Doodi, if low attendance threatens itfor next year, let me know and I'll still buy a ticket even though I'll be sitting on the beach in another state...
PowerMacAttack's picture
Submitted by PowerMacAttack on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 12:04
I think water under the bridge and we all raid Auto's fridge for beer. Everything looks better when you are hammered.
El_Diablo's picture
Submitted by El_Diablo on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 12:08
@ ATC & hate. Just pissed for two reason which I believe are valid. 1. While I think anyone not living under a rock understands the economic sitatuation, so why try to take a jab at PCP for our small get together when it, in reality has 0 effect on the CHI LAN. 2. The fact that it was posted in a closed forum that only few people see, feel underhanded and like a slap in the face. We've been as open and honest about our intentions to the people that matter......Doodi. End the end it's a series of unfortunatley events that we seem to be getting the blame for when it in unjustified. And no where did anyone hate on 2o2p.....we do realize we only exisit because of this site. That's why we try to be a supportive as we can with our dontations and fundraising.
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 12:08
if anyone is passing through the Harrisburg area on their way to the LAN, let me know and I'll donate a case to either LAN.
LukeBerry's picture
Submitted by LukeBerry on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 12:10
Drost, Way to man up and explain your words. They shed a little light on an inflamatory comment. I am not attending either LAN. I would love to attend the Chi Lan but this year I am lucky I could afford airfare for my kids to spend the summer with me. We had to pass a christmas visit because of the economy so a trip to Chicago was out of the question. Its a shame I was looking forward to meeting Nogames new boyfriend.
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 12:19
@el Diablo... Not underhanded, not in the least. Please don't take it that way. P&W is a forum for people who write for the front page, we are the folks who are trying to put this lan shit together. The forum is just a place to get creative energies going. Tehre are lots of ideas that we have that we need to bounce off of each other before they make it to the front page. It's necessary to make sure that the front page stuff is quality. So... Drost ran his mouth.... that's kinda what he does. I stopped paying atttention to him months ago. :)
Drost's picture
Submitted by Drost on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 12:22
Diablo -- that's just it. your small lan does effect the big one. We need 100ish in chicago to break even. we've got 40. 15 could be the deal breaker, you know? As for where it was posted... can't help that. I'm not a pcp member or i'd tried to talk you guys into moving one way or the other way back when this all happened in the first place. truth is that those of us trying to get the lan off the ground are stressed out because a) right now, doodi's paying to throw us all a helluva party out of his own pocket, and b) if we can't make this one work, we don't get one next year. that's the only motivation behind anything we're doing in regard to the lan. Luke - I get the money thing. I'm driving 13 hours to the lan so I don't have to buy a $357 plane ticket. Can't afford the plane ticket, I should say. that and I have two roommates for the lan so my hotel bill is nice and small.
ATC_1982's picture
Submitted by ATC_1982 on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 12:23
@J-Cat they are not mad at Drost. It would be and my remark which makes them angry.
Submitted by DRAGONBLOODSOUP on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 12:23
I think it is a pissing match and should stop, come on I got it every year the LAN is in Chicago and every year a lot love to go there for the fun and festivities. How many have seen Pittsburgh or Miami, or Scottsdale, Az or Colonial Williamsburg(yea that would be a sweet one eh playing Halo in a historic area!). How about a contest to see what member's home town we have the LAN at 6 months before we do the LAN?
Automan21k's picture
Submitted by Automan21k on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 12:28
Harrisburg has 2 breweries, and is a short drive to Trogues, and Yuengling.....a casino, and more Amish than you can shake a stick that would be interesting to have a roaming LAN, but the setup might be a nightmare.
J-Cat's picture
Submitted by J-Cat on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 12:33
Ottawa has ... tulips. We could have it here.
El_Diablo's picture
Submitted by El_Diablo on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 12:39
Drost: While I understand 15 could be the deal breaker. I think you're missing my point. Our LAN isn't affecting the CHI LAN because none of the members going to our LAN would go to the CHI LAN. As I pointed out earlier we have members that live in Chicago that aren't going to either. Those are the people you want to target to go to the CHI LAN. Not the 10 or 15 going to the PCP you would have never gotten in the first place.
PowerMacAttack's picture
Submitted by PowerMacAttack on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 13:04
I say we have the LAN around a big Gaming event like E3. Would be cool to game and see the show. My other choice would be a Vegas LAN...that would be killer. Again, all water under the bridge. Economy gets better and we all have more cash and next year will be the shizzle and YES Porkchop Platoon will be there and in whatch what you ask for guys and gals...bwahahahahahaha...*cough*cough*...ok, you get the idea.
mrsleestak's picture
Submitted by mrsleestak on Thu, 06/04/2009 - 13:08
@Drost...that is a HUUUUGE assumption that ALL of our 15 members would have attended so we could NOT have made any dent in the site LAN attendance being down 60+%. That is where the facts become fiction and we become the scapegoat for the economy.

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