

Shared on Mon, 12/18/2006 - 14:17
So Im playing GoW the other night and I notice that my mic keeps cutting in and out.  In my brilliance I decide its because the 360 is on the floor at the end of my bed and its too much of line-of-sight issue for it.  So I pick up my 360....while its on....the sounds of destruction that immediately blasted my ears as everything disconnected are unforgettable.  It is 1130pm.  The 360 tells me to put the disk into a 360 if I want to play it.  I get into my car and drive.  It is now 1150pm and I am online again playing my new GoW disk. 

20 minute downtime=addiction


Kysr_Gal's picture
Submitted by Kysr_Gal on Wed, 01/17/2007 - 20:28
Oh my goodness, I've heard that sound of disc death coming from my 360 as well! I still forget tho and attempt to move it :oops:
medic113's picture
Submitted by medic113 on Sat, 12/30/2006 - 05:48
traitor! it was the halo gods that made you do it!!!
codemonkey's picture
Submitted by codemonkey on Mon, 12/18/2006 - 14:20
Where you able to exchange it, or did you have to buy a new one?
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Mon, 12/18/2006 - 14:22
LMAO I remember doing that to my Condemned disc the first night I got my 360.
mac79's picture
Submitted by mac79 on Mon, 12/18/2006 - 14:29
that sucks at least it was only 20 minutes. next time do not pick/move the 360 with a disc inside specially if its on.
OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Mon, 12/18/2006 - 19:34
Damn nOOb! :)

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