The one where I get fired (or worse)


Shared on Wed, 02/07/2007 - 08:38

So, in the interests of trying to help the site grow, I've been checking out other blogs and trying to make supportive, germane comments (rather than my usual  flamebaiting, scorched earth sarcasm).  The problem is that I never know what I'm going to get.  I know enough to avoid some blogs at work ( *cough* Raiz3r *cough*, you do good for many people, I'm sure, but no way I'm pulling that up. ).  I'm not really sure which others I should avoid and which are "safe".

If I looked at some of these blogs at work during lunch, I could definitely get a talking to.   And if I'm looking at some of the blogs and my 5 year old son comes up behind me and starts asking questions like "Where are the rest of her clothes?  Did they fall off?  How can she swim in that swimsuit?"  My wife will make me wish I had only been publicly humiliated at work.. 

So here's what I'm proposing:  Can we those of you who post certain variety of pictures or material to put a small a NSFW or red star or something?  That way, I can say, I'm not going to look at that right now.  Feel free to post away, swimsuit model bloggers, but I'm not going to play Russian Roulette with blogs any more.


BalekFekete's picture
Submitted by BalekFekete on Wed, 02/07/2007 - 08:46
I've also been seeing this more and more as of late. Between the BotDs, and the proliferation of YouTube videos, it does seem the overall "reason" for paging through the blogs has diminished dramatically. If I want to see some scantily clad "woman" - and I use the term loosly - then I can do that at home with a simply Google search. I'd love nothing more than for the blogs to be more than just that. Meh...probably too much to hope for in one breath. Ah well... B.
DreadPirate75's picture
Submitted by DreadPirate75 on Wed, 02/07/2007 - 09:14
Just keep a mental note of who posts what. There are only 3 or 4 that I know of that post NSFW content on a regular basis. You could always read my blog (shameless promotion), but then you would just be laughing at work all day and probably be forced to take a drug screenng urinalysis test.

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