Peggle Addiction


Shared on Fri, 03/02/2007 - 09:22

So now I know that Peggle is addictive.  My wife and son (age 5) love it and I find it to be a pretty good game.  It reminds me of a Pachinko Machine from Japan, except it doesn't suck quarters (or yen, as the case may be).  Might even be a worthwhile translation to XBLA.  Which reminds me, when are we getting:

  1. Bigger Hard Drives
  2. External HD support
  3. Enclosures so we cna decide our own storage needs
  4. All of the above

Bill, I know you're lurking out there.  Please PM me a specific date and form that this will take.  Or make Steve do it, now that he's the man.  I don't care, just get it done.


TheCrazyPerson's picture
Submitted by TheCrazyPerson on Fri, 03/02/2007 - 23:40
I've thought about getting this one for my 6 year old. I think I will since you said your 5 year old likes it. Thanks for the info! :)

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