Shared on Mon, 03/05/2007 - 12:52Console gaming has become such a big force in the industry, you think they improvement of technologies would push the big three companies (Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony incase you were not sure) into having an all in one experience.
I for one would love the idea to capture screen shots, or even short bits of video (or scripts to replay the sequence) and show my friends. This should be in every game, not just the odd game, and they should not have to own the game to see the screen shots or video.
There are several times where a cool screen shot could be sent to my email, played on my 360 or PS3 or even forwarded to my friends, really this should be a “no-brainer” feature and something we should see in this generation of consoles.
We also need the ability to have full keyboard support on our consoles, yes the PS3 has it now, but the 360 just does not seem to grasp this concept (keyboards work, but not universally yet). With keyboards we could have an online central system to chat, write about games, blog, etc from our consoles, and not just connecting to the internet to do so, but something integrated into the front end.
To even take that a step further, sites such as our 2old2play.com could have an integration directly with such a service, more then it does now with the Xbox 360 system, which is fantastic and kudos to Microsoft for allowing it to happen and DSmooth, Doodi, and others for making it happen.
The last big thing I think we need to see in our consoles is the ability to play against other gamers, even if they are on a different console. How about a Madden game with 360 versus PS3? This should be possible and for some unknown reason we had it with older online consoles to a small degree but not this generation. It is almost like the 360 thinks the PS3 has cooties and girl germs.
We will see PC versus 360 soon, but really, who wants to play against a PC, they do have cooties and girl germs.
- Falelorn's blog
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Submitted by SirPoonga on Mon, 03/05/2007 - 12:54