Crackdown reviews are in... avg 90 percent


Shared on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 12:20

now, I hope people will shut up about Crackdown only having the Halo 3 beta because the game sucked.

Gamers really need to stop being such "chicken little's" and run around yelling "the sky is falling" because something just doesnt jive in their brain over a game. So Microsoft gives a demo for Halo in one of their big titles and that AUTOMATICALLY means the game will suck? Did Dragon Quest VIII suck?

Even after the demo they wont shut up.. are you gamers are just Halo fan boys who will never be happy until Halo 3 beta is in your hands and the only way you could have possibly gotten it is be given the beta? All the extra chances such as play the MP Halo 2 game, or last resort buy a game that is appears to be great for a demo that you could live with out and will probably spend hours bitching about bugs or cheaters anyways.

fuck it feels like grade 1 all over again


BrokenDesign's picture
Submitted by BrokenDesign on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 12:58
Amen. I'm actually surprised to see average ratings of 90%. I think it's a blast to play, don't get me wrong, I'm very excited that I've got the preorder receipt in my wallet (moreso for Crackdown than Halo 3 beta invite, zing!), but from playing through it I was just struck by the feeling it would maybe get 75-80% ratings on average. Didn't seem like the type of game that the ratings would be kind to. Dunno why, I think mostly having to do with the aiming system (I like the concept, but still getting used to it in practice). But this is awesome news, take that haters! If you don't like that type of game then don't get it. Wait for leg 2 of the beta invites or just get over it that you have to wait to play your game of ultimate salvation. Wouldn't it be hilarious if the ratings sites later say that the Halo 3 beta is a trainwreck of a game? Now that would be ironic.
SirPoonga's picture
Submitted by SirPoonga on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 13:29
Fanboys are fanboys. Be it Halo, MGS, Sony, Microsoft, Linux, OS X, Nintendo, etc... I don;t see what all the fuss is about. It's a beta. having been through many quake betas I can tell you betas generally suck. Their purpose is to work out the bugs. They will have many many bugs. I just hope it's worth it. From what I have seen I hope they improve the graphics.
Rhysode's picture
Submitted by Rhysode on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 15:19
I really thought Crackdown was rubbish and got stuck with a beta to sell it, until I played the demo. Then I realized, a footnote under Crackdown sales figures will always read - Halo2beta. Its inevitable. I don't trust reviews from single platform mags/sites. I look at the average off all. Even then, Crackdown is looking atleast 80/100%. The mistake in the Halo beta is all the other great games. I believed MS was trying to get away from the Halobox image. Hence, japanese game support, launching first and getting more 3rd party support. Then they want to launch a beta of their biggest game during some huge releases this year. Then stick golden tickets in a retail copy of another game...make sense? Not to me. I don't know about you, but I'm not putting down say...BioShock to go "teabag" my buddies in an buggy, glitchy, red Vs Blue deathmatch.
Gatsu's picture
Submitted by Gatsu on Thu, 02/01/2007 - 15:44
I had the game pre-ordered. Downloaded the demo and was dissapointed. So I traded my pre-order in for Lost Planet. Sure it woulda been nice to be in the beta. But when it comes down to it...I dont give a shit. The game IMO isnt worth $59.99 and it sure isn't even worth that much for access to the H3 demo.

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