Dragon Quest VIII


Shared on Tue, 10/03/2006 - 15:54
Have you played the best RPG ever to grace a Sony Playstation console? No I dont mean Final Fantasy VII or Legend of Dragoon, both great games, but not as great as Dragon Quest VIII (DQVIII).

It has good, but far from the best graphics we have seen on a PS2 console and it has a cartoon art style that almost screams "KIDDIE GAME" and it is also not a series that is big out side of Japan where it is more popular then anyone could imagine.

The game takes a good 40 hours to finish and you can spend even longer doing the game since it is fairly open to where you go in some places, although linear story direction does nudge you along.

Now you might be asking why I would say DQVIII is the best Role Playing Game on a Sony console when there are games that have sold more copies. It is really because the developers of Square Enix kept the game simple and compelling, not throwing dozens of hours of movies at you and not throwing flash over substance at the player, letting the game truly speak for itself. Something that in my opinion a Final Fantasy game has not done since Final Fantasy VI.


If you own a Playstaion 2 and enjoy fun and well done RPG's you will enjoy DQVIII, worth a buy or at least a rent.


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