Getting a WII for Xmas


Shared on Wed, 11/22/2006 - 17:43
As I have mentioned my parents are taking my sister and her family to Disney (World?) in Florida this Xmas and since I cannot fly (due to migranes) and I wouldnt have fun at Disney at all im staying home, in -40, snowy weather.. so my Parents are feeling sad about it, so I was told (but have to keep it a secret) that they are getting me a Wii and a few games, maybe the Walmart bundle (meh)

Next few weeks ill be getting set up for it and Hopefully ZELDA.. really want ZELDA.. and some component cables.

Cant wait.. after R6 there isnt a game until next year I want, well maybe Star Trek Legacy, but doubtful.. the Bethesda Trek games have SUCKED ASS..


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