Golden Age of Gaming


Shared on Fri, 01/19/2007 - 13:35
Remember these games?




I have been wanting to get them on my DS.. but keep hoping for a re-release


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Fri, 01/19/2007 - 13:46
Were't those based on that engine they buil with the words on the bottom and you point to the screen for the object to take action on. Those were great games. Loved Maniac Mansion.
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Fri, 01/19/2007 - 14:06
the name of the engine was SCUMM - Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion
BrokenDesign's picture
Submitted by BrokenDesign on Fri, 01/19/2007 - 14:17
Monkey Island. YES. Loved that series quite a bit and I hear there's a 5th in the works. The Sword Master was my bitch.
Sacrelicious's picture
Submitted by Sacrelicious on Fri, 01/19/2007 - 16:34
Grim Fandango is one of my favorite games evar, I would sell my left kidney for a Grim Fandango 2.

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