scary and serious...


Shared on Tue, 01/23/2007 - 22:22
Found out this week that my nephew has been hurting him self, cutting and the like. Which is shocking, he has a good home life, but has been a very emotional kid and worries constantly about everyone and everything. I cant even see him often because he worries that I am getting a migraine and he makes him self sick.

At least my sister got him to see a shrink and hopefully that will help, but only time will tell. Very scary.

13 years ago my best friend killed her self due to depression, she cut her self and eventually just wanted to end it. I have seen so many similarities between her and my nephew that  I worry he might go that extra step.

He is very similar to me, with the same mannerisms, we both suffer from depression, but mine is in check. We both have seriously violent tempers when we are pushed to far, but it takes a lot to push us over that line but when pushed over it badness happens. I do not usually remember anything but have heard stories.

It seems so hard to be a kid now days..


PeepshowJanitor's picture
Submitted by PeepshowJanitor on Tue, 01/23/2007 - 23:36
Hang in there man! It is extremely tough being a kid nowadays! I have an 8 yr. old daughter, and I am petrified of the way todays society values material/popularity/wealth above all else! It is a sick world we live in, and all I have is knowledge of what is important in life, as I have been through the ringer more than I care to mention! I've also dealt with severe depression in my days, and the only way I got outta it was to finally make up in my mind that I was sick of living the way others wanted me to live, and started living and thinking for myself and my daughter. Kinda releving when you say "screw it" and stop caring bout the little things in life! The world opens up a lot more after that! "There are only two things certain in life. Those being birth and death. It's what you do in between that matters and defines who you really are!" Peace Peep

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