Snickers ad pulled because promotes violence?


Shared on Tue, 02/06/2007 - 15:05

seriously there is being PC and then there is being way over the top, making a big fucking issue about nothing.. how does this promote violence against gays? One of my friends who is gay laughed and thinks GLAAD is smoking some good crack because they got the ad pulled...

I think they are smoking camel dung laced weed for even getting upset over it. Did they kill each other? Maybe they were friends and got wigged out? Maybe they were brothers? Maybe they were just actors playing a part in a funny commercial acting over the top...

Man I really hate this over PC world we live in... Keep putting effort into getting stuff like this pulled but not...

- getting child molesters off the streets
- catching serial rapists and murderers
- going after touchy feely priests
- world hunger
- bad movies
and the lack of good microwavable pizza


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