Tired of the people using M$ instead of MS


Shared on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 16:47
Now seriously Microsoft doesnt do anything different then any other company that is out there to make money. But people love to use M$ instead of MS. Why? Is Microsoft so bad that they are a big evil corporation that force you to use their products? No. Use a Mac or Linux, use a PS2 or Wii instead of a Xbox.

There are big companies out there that are nasty compared to Microsoft, General Electric, Raytheon, Oil and gas companies, etc.

So all I have to say is, if you have such issues with Microsoft to use M$ instead of MS, stop using their products. If you use M$ just to use it you need to stop being a follower.

Microsoft does many things they dont need to do, such as providing computers/software to non-profit companies, colleges, etc.. (yes they are not the only ones).. so if you are judging them as the big bad corporation, think before you type


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Tue, 10/10/2006 - 16:59
The BIll and Melinda Gates Foundation does a shload of charity work. They give back to the world. I wish there was some stupid symbol for EA, maybe EArt$ .

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