Unreal Tournament 3 - Weapons


Shared on Sat, 02/24/2007 - 10:02
Epic are masters at great weapons.. check this out.. I just hope the weapons from the PC version are the same in the 360 version..


NotStyro's picture
Submitted by NotStyro on Sat, 02/24/2007 - 10:08
Awesome! This is a game I've been waiting to play for quite a while. Hope it is as good as this looks like it will be.
SGreth's picture
Submitted by SGreth on Sat, 02/24/2007 - 12:56
And *that* is why Unreal will continue to be the best FPS in my opinion. Epic stays true to the origins of the genre - twitch gaming, super-power weapons, and awesome multiplayer.

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