Van Halen


Shared on Tue, 12/12/2006 - 12:04
Tribute to VH, now that they want DLR back.. JUMP!


Hot for Teacher

Just have one thing to say.. its about TIME idiots.. bring back Roth.. he was the only real singer you guys had, even tho I did like Sammy


rabbmasterflash's picture
Submitted by rabbmasterflash on Tue, 12/12/2006 - 13:06
I could not agree more, I could stand Sammy but David Lee Roth made them whole
NewBoyX's picture
Submitted by NewBoyX on Tue, 12/12/2006 - 16:56
It does not matter if they bring him back, they need to admit that it is OVER! I like Van Halen, but I would rather them quit now, before they put out another album that shits on the Van Halen name.
Brad's picture
Submitted by Brad on Wed, 12/13/2006 - 12:22
Back in the day - kids would sell their parents for tickets to a VH show, but I just saw DLR singing backwoods hillbilly songs, oops, sorry, bluegrass music... It's true, neither DLR nor EVH have it anymore... give 'em some cocaine and a few beers and they might have one good night of songs...

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