Where have all the good games gone? (Sung to Bonnie Tylers I need a Hero)


Shared on Thu, 02/15/2007 - 12:29

Remember when you anxiously waited for a new game to come out, checking the store, magazines and possibly the internet (depending when in the last 20+ years you were waiting for a game), when it came you were excited, you installed it, or just put the first disc / disk in, modified a autoexec.bat and config.sys file so it would run and started the game.

Honestly I still do love games and gaming, but I am not excited for games anymore. Is the little boy in me dead? I dearly hope he is alive and just waiting for the game to get me excited again. Games were magical for this boy, fun, and even with the fun of DOS and Windows 3.x/95 with getting them to run it was worth it.

Over the last few days I have been wondering when the last time I felt this way was. It certainly was not for Halo 2, there was a little fun factor with Oblivion, but not much, Mass Effect does have some, but really the last time I was genuine excited and the game paid off in spades was Wing Commander IV – Price of Freedom.


Wing Commander IV was one of the last true big budget games which fused live action video that was not totally cheesy, a good story and fun combat. I ate it up; I still eat it up as I recently found it and installed it on my ancient laptop I knew I kept for a reason. 

The game is great still today, plays well, graphically could be better, but it solid and has a great compelling story. Not even Oblivion had a great story, it was rather cliché fantasy with some major boring parts and I still love it, but it is no Baldur’s Gate II by any means.

Today I spent the morning going over the upcoming game releases for Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, DS, PSP and PC and not one game truly has me giddy like a school boy. Some I am really waiting for such as Halo 3, Bioshock, Mass Effect and Spore but no giddy factor. 

Will it ever come back? I doubt it. We have seen everything so far that games can really give us as long as the development costs sky rocket and publishers control what sells, and we know what sells. Nameless FPS, crappy clone RPG’s and Platformer 12 the return of the double jump. How many hybrid FPS/RPG with Platformer elements will we have to deal with before some makes a real revolutionary FPS? How long until RPG’s are in a real living world where everything has a reaction that is not scripted? I have doubts that this generation will deliver anything new. Perhaps in 5 years when new consoles are out someone can break the mold.

Until that time I will play my 3DO, my old PC games and some new console games and wait for a company to really move forward and propel a game genre to new heights and not just pull a Resistance and make a been there done that game, even if it is good.


Rhysode's picture
Submitted by Rhysode on Thu, 02/15/2007 - 16:06
"Graphics and flash mean nothing to me, game play, unique gaming, and more has really been lost." Start PC gaming again.
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Thu, 02/15/2007 - 16:09
for what? MMOs and RTS? I still PC game, and really nothing good has come on PCs for years IMO
DeltaT's picture
Submitted by DeltaT on Thu, 02/15/2007 - 16:30
To get the WOW factor anymore, I think we have to be caught off guard.....Last movie that wowed me was the 6th sense because I knew nothing of this movie, Last game that wowed me was Homeworld, again I knew nothing of this game a friend handed me a disk and said check it out...WOW
Rhysode's picture
Submitted by Rhysode on Thu, 02/15/2007 - 16:44
"for what? MMOs and RTS? I still PC game, and really nothing good has come on PCs for years IMO" You know well they will never make another game like Wing Comander because the game budget itself is high enough without a movie to go with it. You'd have access to alot of exclusive games. Yes, alot of MMO and RTS. For instance, Company of Heroes is the best RTS in a long time and many have said so. Even multiplats have mods that extend the life. Its not really about the ULTIMATE game. Just gives you more to do. And more unique experiances.
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Thu, 02/15/2007 - 18:53
ya it is doubtful a PC will ever see a WC game (or something with similar production), unless the Consoles get it, which is a possibility (very remote) Mods are fine, but when you get down to it, the point of the blog was about getting excited about a game again, any game, and a MOD will never do that.
Devonsangel's picture
Submitted by Devonsangel on Thu, 02/15/2007 - 12:35
Give it time. It seems the companies need to catch up with the new consoles. Your impatience still belies a little boy in you!
syphaqlies's picture
Submitted by syphaqlies on Thu, 02/15/2007 - 12:46
Wing Commander IV was great. I played it several times on my PC growing up. Another live action game I liked was Phantasmagoria. I also really enjoyed Descent: Freespace (not live action but great space sim, need more of those).
DrTHE0P0LIS's picture
Submitted by DrTHE0P0LIS on Thu, 02/15/2007 - 13:27
Well, I don't agree that it's a matter of developers learning to make full use of the hardware. While it would make for better graphics, frame rate, etc., that's not really what I feel Falelorn is getting at. And I agree with him 100%. Much like movies have in the last 15 years, video games have become more about presentation and "wow" factor than substance. Bigger explosions, a cooler BFG, better graphics. But at what point do better graphics cease to improve the gamer's experience? This generation, in its current state, is as good as I need them to be. Even last gen was fine by me in terms of graphics and processing power. And yes, better graphics do help, but they don't make a good game. Butthey certain can hurt in the form of absorbing budget otherwise destined for additional development, more original artwork, and a decent script. I recently picked up a Gamecube as I skipped the platform in favor of a PS2 (my first non-Nintendo console since the N64, unless you count a brief fling with a TurboGrafx). I wanted to get one so that I could play three Zelda games that I missed; Majora's mask, Wind Waker, and Twilight Princess. So far I have only obtained and begun to play Majora's mask. The graphics are hazy and the sound could be better. But it doesn't detract from the fact that the game is fun. Not just to play, but to be a part of. It makes me jumpy when in a dark dungeon, tense when I walk a thin, icy bridge, and laugh and smile at some of the characters. The story is engaging and the world is imaginative. I think that there are a few elements at play as to why we don;t get the giddy little boy feeling anymore. One is scarcity. Recall that cartridges were much harder to make and production much slower. As a result, games were often scarce. Yes, there was a time when you actually [i]needed[/i] to preorder a game to have any hope of getting it. That scarcity made things a little more exciting. Just like the 360 and the Wii. If it's harder to get, you want it more. Now that a DVD can be pressed in lots of ten-thousand every hour, scarcity is gone. So is some of the excitement. Another factor is that we are, indeed, aging. It's a sad fact, but we're just not as prone to giddyness as we once were. My inner child is alive and well. In fact, I usually wear mine on the outside. But it's just not the same. We have too many other concerns and worries. Next, we tend to buy things when we want them, within reason. We do not have to save our pennies, rake the neighbor's leaves, wash cars, take a paper route just to afford that new game. When I knew a game was coming out in a few months that I wanted, I had to start working right away to have the cash. That builds an awful lot of anticipation. Not so much when you can walk into any best buy, pluck a copy off the shelf and be done with it. Lastly, games are simply not as good as they used to be (thought there are exceptions). When all you had were 8-bits to work with, you had to have a lot more to compensate. For one, games were a lot more difficult and finishing a game wasn't just a matter of putting in the requisite 8 hours until you reached the end. You had to work for it. The story lines were much more compelling as well. Hell, they even used to go so far as to build on the story in the game manual. I used to read game manuals in bed just to get more details on my favorite character. In contrast, look how Gears just sort of shit out the bare bones of a story and never bothered to elaborate. Did you actually give a shit about Marcus Fenix? I know I didn't. What was Gears? Terrific graphics and good gun play. Otherwise, just another FPS retread. But all of the hype and effort obviously went into cool graphics. Well, I guess when a comment is longer than the post it probably time to end it. Thought-provoking post, Fal. -Doc
Falelorn's picture
Submitted by Falelorn on Thu, 02/15/2007 - 13:50
@Devonsangel Actually more time with a console wont really help this, they need to sit down and rethink the way the industry works. Graphics and flash mean nothing to me, game play, unique gaming, and more has really been lost. Doc nailed it on the head.

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