Working my ass off


Shared on Sun, 01/07/2007 - 04:23
So many things going on, writing for 2o2p, new business, my game and school... seriously need to clone my self and Catherine Zeta Jones.. I fully expect to go nuts in a few months. But as long as I can manage my time and take time to play games and relax ill be cool.

James - LAID
Janes Addiction - Been caught stealing


houdinisangel's picture
Submitted by houdinisangel on Sun, 01/07/2007 - 18:17
Been so long since I've seen that video for "Laid", such a great song! Better than Ezra recorded a version of it not too long ago...still kinda of weird hearing the good ones redone. I'll never forget hearing Def Lep's Photograph country style for the first time...I may as well have been in the twilight zone.

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