Spring Sucks Ass


Shared on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 17:14

I hate this time of year.

First let me throw in the Manly Testosterone Disclaimer: I can shoot someone from 5 football fields away using iron sites.

Ok I used to love this time of year, I love the smell of Lilac mostly, and roses, etc. but after my accident ( *insert smiley playing violin*) I lost all sense of smell, well a good 95% stuff like gasoline and kerosene, I can smell faintly, but flowers & food forget about it. I remember running through the field picking flowers and smelling the fresh spring air *disclaimer part 2- I've been shot at and I can bench 300lbs*

But oh well, anyway haven't gotten much into the new maps of CoD4 lately, I think I'll be doing some tonight, that's if any of the 5 girls i'm seeing have the night off from the strip club and stop by and see me.... (like how I threw in a lil testosterone in there) anyways if they do stop by I guess I should re-freshen the potpourri.


I just found this quote I'll post so I dont forget I used to read when working out:

Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in getting up every time we do.

Thanks Samurai


crackcane's picture
Submitted by crackcane on Sat, 04/05/2008 - 17:51
hey fatal u got 5 stripper girlfriends man were you at.............are is it 5 finger strippers
fatalvisi0n's picture
Submitted by fatalvisi0n on Sun, 04/06/2008 - 00:53
shhh just dont tell my wife :)

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