

Shared on Sun, 06/29/2008 - 08:58

Ok have had a wee rest from playing halo as was getting fed up :(

All ready to start again and hope that they bring out snipers soon as am quite dissapointed that Swat was released before Snipers. Dont get me wrong I like Swat but I feel a game that is so host dependant like Swat should not be ranked especially as I never get host :(

I keep missing the sniper double exp weekends which is depressing as that is my fave bumper on H2 with over 3000 games played on one account alone lol.

I have been quite dissapointed with the way Halo 3 has been played over the last 8 months with campers, lag and noob tactics. Halo was always about the fast pace working as a team to destroy the enemy not getting one kill and hiding with hammer, sword, maulers, rockets or shotgun and the way the maps have been created its so easy to get away with this tactic Snowbound and epitaph being the worse.

I have been playing a lot of Swat which I shouldnt cause I get so frustrated almost to tears with the fact that I always seem to have to put 2 full round and 2 grenades into a guy (hoping he dosent turn round) to put them down and its the total opposite for them all they have to do is fart and I am dead lol.

Experienced some dodgey games I have two videos in my fileshare one called dodgey and one called dodgey 2 deffinitely worth a look at especially the one with the sticky but I will say no more ;) links below.

www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21315444 /www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=21315423

Oh well gonna go and get depressed now and try and shoot people in the head if it lets me ;) feel free to post and let me know what you think of the vids if you cant get them my GT is Couch Tattie feel free to sned an FR


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