Repetitive games


Shared on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 18:49

I was sitting at work really bored at 23:00 and started thinking about games that are coming out etc.

I think that we need something totally different but when i was thinking about it i couldnt really decide what? I got thinking that there should be a game that has everything in it e.g. Dead rising so theres pleanty to kill and a bit of halo as you cant beat the controlling system etc.

I want more now than just a fps or a driving sim or survival horror we have had it all and with the next gen here why cant someone make something that has a bit of everything to keep every happy for ages.

It currently feels like every game that comes out they are too busy thinking of the sequels to concentrate on giving us something new and exciting all the games feel the same all the way through e.g. howmany zombies can you actually kill before you get fed up or how many races can you do on TDU before you start falling asleep at the wheel.

I want something that has something happening all the time to keep me awake and wondering what wil happen next asassins creed looks awesome but is that going to be the one game to do this i very much dobt it as much as i want i probably wont play the game for more than a couple of days before i get fed as i did with prince of persia.

Is it so much to ask for that we all get something we deserve as we have all paid a lot of money for our consoles amd all probably had our own issues with it.

What do we all want in a game i have an i dea what i want but thats only touching the surface and am i the only one who thinks this is the case?


TANK's picture
Submitted by TANK on Fri, 10/06/2006 - 20:50
There are a few reason both point to money. The first is, we don't see gambles on unique games much anymore because of how much it takes to make them of a quality we'd consider buying and the risk of it floping is pretty high. I think we'll see totally unique stuff be experimented with on XBLA. If an XBLA game that's totally unique takes off, then maybe a follow up retail release that expands the game. Second is, lots of games start out with lots and lots of cool and unique ideas. But as the development timeline progresses, more and more stuff is cut out to make the deadline and get the game out to retail, making money and giving the developers return on investment. So that's why you don't see a lot of unique games or games with a lot of cool stuff in them. It simply takes too much money to make games today to gamble. I'm hoping we'll see some of that experimentation come back with XBLA games that cost a fraction of a retail game to produce.
fecknmental's picture
Submitted by fecknmental on Sat, 10/07/2006 - 03:37
I am starting to think though that if they dont start to venture into new waters the games industry may start to suffer? When i had the PS2 I had over 30 games in the 1st year there were lots of new things and a lot of sequels but you didnt mind this. The PS1 i had hundreds of games again the same as before. We are now a year on and there dosent seem to be anything new there is the odd game coming out but nothing that makes me go wow. So far the saving grace has been the graphics which at the moment i know will only get better.

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