Update :-)


Shared on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 12:58
Well it has been a very long time since I blogged so thought I would do something as I was sitting all bored ;-)

I have trade in the 360 and got myself a PS3 which I havent looked back since. Personally I love my PS3 and the fact I can play all my PS2 games as well as we all know the games collection is running a bit on the low side for the PS3.

AS the price has been dropped in the UK for a premium 360 I may get another one but not really decided yet myself.

Still not smoking so thats almost a year but must admit was and am contemplating starting again due mostly to the fact i have put on shit loads of weight. People say just do some exercise but hey I am a gamer not a sportsman lol.

I am pleased to see more people enjoying the PS3 now and feel its been on the cards a long time but had to tolerate a lot of people knocking it on here and everywhere but thats what Sony have got used to over the past I suppose.

Not played Halo 2 for a very long time but played some for my friend and got back into it but that only lasted a couple of days when the glitches, cheats and laggers started coming out in full force this game has been destroyed which is a shame.


OldManRiver48's picture
Submitted by OldManRiver48 on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 20:49
Glad to here your still around, never tried the ps3 but the Fall of Man looks crazy! Not many people here seem to follow the ps3, went to the Chi-Town lan and the 70 monitors they had set-up didnt have 1 ps3, wierd-but microsoft was a big donator to the event. Still playing Halo and some Viva Piniata with my girls, their too cool! I'll see if I can send ya a pic. R
fecknmental's picture
Submitted by fecknmental on Wed, 08/22/2007 - 21:25
Thanks for the pics I will put some up when I get them uploaded to photobucket. The PS3 is starting slow but it will get there and hopefully soon enough I will have both. Resistance is a really good game can spend hours on it and not even notice which it has been a while since i played a game like that so I am pleased with it all. I thought you would be the 1st to comment. Will get my finger out my butt over the next few days and some more as my wee fella just came back from Disneyworld so loads of pics etc to post but unfortunately us parents couldnt go as well :-(

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